
我为英语阅读狂 晨读英语美文百篇pdf电子书版本下载

我为英语阅读狂  晨读英语美文百篇
  • 薄冰主编 著
  • 出版社: 太原:山西教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787544035101
  • 出版时间:2008
  • 标注页数:209页
  • 文件大小:49MB
  • 文件页数:147页
  • 主题词:英语-汉语-对照读物


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我为英语阅读狂 晨读英语美文百篇PDF格式电子书版下载


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Family,Friends and People Around(家庭、朋友和周围的人) 2

Message 留言条 2

When You Are Old 当你老了 3

Bed in Summer 夏之眠 3

What I Have Lived for 我为什么而活 4

My Father' s Hands 父亲的双手 5

All I Remember 我所记得的 9

A Child's Angel 孩子的天使 11

That“Other Woman”in My Life 我生命中的“另一个女人” 12

About a Friend 一个朋友 15

A Special Occasion 特殊的场合 17

A Gentle Caress 温柔 19

How Children Fail 孩子是怎样失败的 21

The Child Who Never Grew 永远长不大的孩子 23

Environments Around(周围环境) 25

The Falling ofthe Leaves 叶正飘 25

Autumn 秋 25

The First Snow 初雪 26

Night 夜 27

Daily Routines(日常活动) 30

Think of You 想你 30

A Penny from Heaven 天堂的便士 31

Weekend in America 美国的周末 32

Monday 星期一 34

The Reds or the Greens? 红的还是绿的? 35

Along the Road 沿路而行 35

School Life(学校生活) 38

If 假如 38

The Flight of Youth 青春的飞逝 39

The Rose 玫瑰之歌 40

Youth 青春 42

Letter to a Young Friend 给一位小朋友的信 43

Comparing 人比人,气死人 46

Interests and Hobbies(兴趣与爱好) 50

What Makes a Man? 成为男子汉 50

Of Study 论读书 50

Supercenter Ewing Announced His Retirement 超级中锋尤因宣布退役 52

Nothing's Hipper Than Hip-Hop 嘻哈当道,酷炫无法挡 53

Wonder Boy Wayne Rooney 神奇少年鲁尼 54

Emotions(个人情感) 57

The Sorrow of Love 爱的忧伤 57

Love's Secret 爱情的秘密 57

Learn to Live in the Present Moment 学会在现实中生活 58

The White Gardenia 白栀子花之谜 59

The Doll and a White Rose 洋娃娃和一支白玫瑰 62

Prayer for My Mother 为我的母亲祈祷 64

Interpersonal Relationships(人际关系) 67

The Rose of the World 尘世玫瑰 67

If I Were a Boy Again 假如我又回到了童年 68

A Mother's Letter to the World 一位母亲写给世界的信 70

Choosing an Occupation 选择职业 71

Wealth,Success and Love 财富 成功 还有爱 72

Bill Gates'll Rules 比尔·盖茨的11条准则 73

For and Against 支持和反对 75

The Use of Lateral Thinking 水平思考法 77

Plans and Intentions(计划与愿望) 80

I Am Always Here to Love You 我永远在你身边爱你 80

Rude Awakening 唤醒粗鲁的人 81

The Chest of Broken Glass 装满碎玻璃的大箱子 83

My Stepfather,My Friend 我的继父,我的朋友 85

Festivals,Holidays and Celebrations(节假日和庆典) 89

The Soote Season 春之歌 89

Hi,There 嘿,你好 90

Deck the Halls with Fibs & Folly 用“谎言”装点圣诞 93

Thanksgiving 感恩节 95

Mother's Day and Father's Day 母亲节和父亲节 96

April Fool's Day 愚人节 97

Food and Drink(饮食) 100

A Fancy Dinner 高级晚宴 100

The Sweet Truth 浓情蜜意 102

Getting Something from Nothing 从没有到丰盛 104

Ramsay Bans Own Kids from Restaurants 大厨拉姆齐禁止自己的孩子进饭店 105

Health(健康) 107

If All the Skies Were Sunshine 如果满天是阳光 107

Always Remember Those Who Serve 记住为你服务的人 108

Please Dress Me in Red 请给我穿上红色的衣服 108

The New Drug against AIDS Effects in Protecting Blacks and Asians 新艾滋疫苗对黑人和亚洲人效果显著 110

Cholera 霍乱 110

Promise of Genetic Treatments 基因疗法的前景 111

Holiday Eating Food for Thought 节假日大饱口福,莫忘健康 112

Travel and Transport(旅游和交通) 115

The Lake Isle of Innisfree 茵纳斯弗利岛 115

The Romantic Venice 浪漫水都——威尼斯 116

The Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁 117

The Grand Canyon 科罗拉多大峡谷 119

Nazca Plateau 纳斯卡高原 120

Yellowstone National Park 黄石国家公园 122

Language Learning(语言学习) 125

Memory 记忆 125

Don't Ever Not Ask 切莫别问 125

Language in the Modern World 现代世界的语言 126

The Changing English Language 变化中的英语 128

Word Power 词语的力量 129

English Proverbs Explained 英文谚语详解 130

The World and the Environment(世界和环境) 133

Never Give Up 永不放弃 133

Wailing Garden of Eden 哭泣的伊甸园 134

The Sherpas of Mount Everest 埃佛勒斯峰的夏尔巴人 136

How Many Would It Reduce the World-hunger Population? 全球挨饿人口能减多少 138

Popular Science and Modern Technology(科普知识与现代技术)I'll Try 我试试 140

The Magnetic Trains Rapid Ran Its First Trip in Shanghai 上海开通第一辆磁悬浮火车 140

Why is Gravity in Space Not the Same as on Earth? 为什么引力在太空和在地球上不一样? 141

If Microsoft Built Cars 如果微软造汽车 142

Living in America 2003 2003年生活在美国 145

Faith in Science 科学信条 145

Topical Issues(热点话题) 148

Life Is to Be Whole 人生在于完整 148

WHO Warns Medical Officials about SARS WHO警告医务人员防“非典” 150

World People Demonstrated against Iraq War 世界群众游行反对伊拉克战争 150

The New Measure for Japanese Banks 日本银行新举措 151

Is North-South Korean Meeting a“Business”?韩朝峰会是“买”来的? 152

Nature(自然) 154

Trees 树 154

The Hummingbird 蜂鸟 155

Night in the Open World 露天世界的夜晚 156

The Mischievous Wind 淘气的风 157

The Ice Breaker 一见如故 159

Man and Bird 人鸟之间 161

The Crazy Ape 疯狂的大猩猩 162

History and Geography(历史和地理) 164

The Coming of Wisdom with Time 时间的智慧 164

French Revolution 法国大革命 164

A Valuable Letter of Reply 珍贵的回信 165

Churchill's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech 丘吉尔诺贝尔奖获奖演说 167

James Watt and the Teakettle 詹姆斯·瓦特和水壶 169

Benjamin Franklin 木杰明·富兰克林 170

Address at Gettysburg 葛底斯堡演说 172

George Washington's Address to His Troops 乔治·华盛顿对部队的演说 173

A History of Modern Japan 现代日本的历史 174

Machu Picchu 马丘比丘古城 175

Society(社会) 178

Spih Milk 溅出的牛奶 178

Miranda Rights 米兰达权利 178

Trust 信任 180

The Unique Russian Steam Bath 独特的俄罗斯蒸汽浴 182

How Names Are Called in America 称谓在美国 185

If the World Are a Village of 100 People 假如地球是百人村 186

Formality and Social Contact in France 法国人的礼节与社交 190

Background to Britain 不列颠文化 192

The English Are like That 像那样的英国人 193

England Your England 真实的英格兰 194

The American Way of Life 美国人的生活方式 195

Literature and Art(文学与艺术) 198

Fireflies 荧火虫 198

Thought and Thinking 想法与思考 199

The Sympathy of Nature 大自然的恻隐之心 200

Russell on Affection 罗索论爱 201

A Farewell Letter from the Count of Monte Cristo 基督山伯爵的告别信 202

Nobel Prize Speech by William Faulkner 威廉·福克纳诺贝尔奖获奖演说 204

Farewell to Cambridge 再别康桥 206

The Lotus Pool by Moonlight 荷塘月色 207
