
法律英语 美国法律制度pdf电子书版本下载

法律英语  美国法律制度
  • 何家弘编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:法律出版社
  • ISBN:9787503686061
  • 出版时间:2008
  • 标注页数:367页
  • 文件大小:18MB
  • 文件页数:386页
  • 主题词:法律-英语-高等学校-教材


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1 Lesson One:Legal System 法律制度 1

Background Knowledge 背景知识 1

Text 课文 1

Introduction to the Legal System in the United States 美国法律制度导言 1

Part One Features and Characteristics 1

Part Two Common Law and Equity Law 2

Exercises 练习 5

1.Questions about the text 5

2.Dictation|Legal Systems 6

3.Discussion|What is the best way to study legal English? 6

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 7

2 Lesson Two:Legal Profession 法律职业 10

Background Knowledge 背景知识 10

Text 课文 10

Overview of the Legal Profession in the United States 美国法律职业概览 10

Part One The Bar 10

Part Two Lawyers in Private Practice 12

Part Three House Counsel 13

Part Four Lawyers in Government 13

Exercises 练习 16

1.Questions about the text 16

2.Dictation|One Lawyer in the Heaven 16

3.Discussion|Do you want to be a judge or a lawyer? 16

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 17

3 Lesson Three:Legal Education 法律教育 25

Background Knowledge 背景知识 25

Text 课文 26

Introduction to the Legal Education in the United States 美国法律教育介绍 26

Part One Curriculum and the Case Method 26

Part Two Law School Hierarchy 27

Exercises 练习 30

1.Questions about the text 30

2.Dictation|American Law Faculty 31

3.Discussion|Which teaching method is better for law study:case method or lecture method? 31

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 32

4 Lesson Four:Judicial System 司法系统 37

Background Knowledge 背景知识 37

Text 课文 38

Overview of the Judicial System in the United States 美国司法系统概览 38

Part One Courts 38

Part Two Judges 39

Exercises 练习 42

1.Questions about the text 42

2.Dictation|The Supreme Court of the United States 42

3.Discussion|Comparison of centralized and decentralized court systems 43

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 43

5 Lesson Five:Constitution 宪法 50

Background Knowledge 背景知识 50

Text 课文 50

Brief Introduction to the Constitution of the United States 美国宪法简介 50

Part One The Constitution as Supreme Law 50

Part Two The Principles of Government 52

Part Three Provisions for Amendment 52

Exercises 练习 54

1.Questions about the text 54

2.Dictation|The Constitution of the United States 55

3.Discussion|What is the principle of checks and balances? 55

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 56

6 Lesson Six:Administrative Law 行政法 61

Background Knowledge 背景知识 61

Text 课文 61

Brief Introduction to the Administrative Law in the United States 美国行政法简介 61

Part One Agency Action and Administrative Law 61

Part Two Paradigms and Models 63

Exercises 练习 66

1.Questions about the text 66

2.Dictation|Rulemaking 66

3.Rulemaking exercise|Rules of the classroom 66

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 67

7 Lesson Seven:Criminal Law 刑法 73

Background Knowledge 背景知识 73

Text 课文 73

The Crime of Homicide 杀人罪 73

Part One Murder 74

Part Two Manslaughter 75

Part Three Federal Homicide Law 77

Part Four Modern Murder-Manslaughter Legislation 78

Part Five Capital Punishment 78

Exercises 练习 81

1.Questions about the text 81

2.Listening comprehension|The Case of Hinckley 81

3.Discussion|Issues about Hinckley case 81

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 82

8 Lesson Eight:Civil Rights Law 民权法 91

Background Knowledge 背景知识 91

Text 课文 91

Walker v.IRS 沃克诉国内税收署案 91

Exercises 练习 96

1.Questions about the text 96

2.Dictation|I Have a Dream 97

3.Discussion|Walker v.IRS 97

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 98

9 Lesson Nine:Contract Law 合同法 103

Background Knowledge 背景知识 103

Text 课文 104

Introduction to Contract Law 合同法导论 104

Part One Contract and Contract Law 104

Part Two Authority of Contract Law 106

Exercises 练习 112

1.Questions about the text 112

2.Listening comprehension|Williams v.Walker-Thomas Furniture Co. 112

3.Mock trial|Williams v.Walker-Thomas Furniture Co. 113

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 113

Lesson Ten:Tort Law 侵权法 117

Background Knowledge 背景知识 117

Text 课文 117

Introduction to Tort Law 侵权法导论 117

Part One Basic Issues 117

Part Two Intentional Torts 118

Part Three Liability for Negligence 119

Part Four Tort Law Reform:Strict Liability and"No-Fault" 120

Exercises 练习 123

1.Questions about the text 123

2.Dictation|The Difference of Tort Law 124

3.Discussion|McGuire v.Almy 124

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 125

11 Lesson Eleven:Property Law 财产法 129

Background Knowledge 背景知识 129

Text 课文 129

Real Property Law 不动产法 129

Part One Introduction 129

Part Two The Fundamentals of Real Property Law 131

Part Three The Role of the Lawyer in Real Property Transactions 132

Exercises 练习 134

1.Questions about the text 134

2Dictation|The Free Enterprise System 135

3.Simulation|Negotiation for a chinese-foreign joint venture 135

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 136

12 Lesson Twelve:Corporation Law 公司法 148

Background Knowledge 背景知识 148

Text 课文 148

Introduction to Corporation Law 公司法导论 148

Part One Basic Norms 148

Part Two Forms of Business 150

Exercises 练习 154

1.Questions about the text 154

2.Dictation|The Tenant v.the Landlord 155

3.Discussion|Piercing the corporate veil 155

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 156

13 Lesson Thirteen:Insurance Law 保险法 165

Background Knowledge 背景知识 165

Text 课文 165

Insurance for Business 商务保险 165

Part One Types of Insurance for Business 165

Part Two Buy-sell Plan and Stock Retirement Plan 167

Exercises 练习 170

1.Questions about the text 170

2.Dictation|The Safety Responsibility Law 170

3.Discussion|Comparison of the health insurance system and the free medical care system(or the medical care system at public expense) 170

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 171

14 Lesson Fourteen:Commercial Law 商法 175

Background Knowledge 背景知识 175

Text 课文 175

Introduction to Commercial Law 商法导论 175

Part One The Power of the Congress to Regulate Commerce 175

Part Two The Interpretation of the Commerce Clause by the Supreme Court 177

Part Three The Uniform Commercial Code 178

Exercises 练习 182

1.Questions about the text 182

2.Dictation The Skill of Negotiation 182

3.Negotiation exercise|Negotiation about buying mountain-tyre bicycles 182

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 183

15 Lesson Fifteen:Tax Law 税法 188

Background Knowledge 背景知识 188

Text 课文 188

Introduction to Tax Law 税法导论 188

Part One Federal Taxation 188

Part Two State Taxation 193

Exercises 练习 200

1.Questions about the text 200

2.Dictation|Tax Law and Forms of Business 200

3.Legal writing|Case briefing 201

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 201

16 Lesson Sixteen:Environmental Protection Law 环境保护法 211

Background Knowledge 背景知识 211

Text 课文 211

Environmental Protection Laws and Orders in the United States 美国的环境保护法律和法令 211

Part One National Environmental Policy Act(Enacted in 1970;Amended in 1975) 211

Part Two Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-income Populations(Executive Order 12898,1994) 215

Exercises 练习 221

1.Questions about the text 221

2.Listening comprehension|Oxford Industries v.EPA 221

3.Discussion|Oxford Industries v.EPA 222

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 223

17 Lesson Seventeen:Family Law 家庭法 230

Background Knowledge 背景知识 230

Text 课文 230

Marriage and Family婚姻与家庭 230

Part One The Right to Freedom of Choice 230

Part Two The Judicial Opinion in Zablocki v.Redhail 232

Exercises 练习 237

1.Questions about the text 237

2.Dictation|Roe v.Wade 238

3.Discussion|Should abortion be legal? 238

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 239

18 Lesson Eighteen:Intellectual Property Law 知识产权法 245

Background Knowledge 背景知识 245

Text 课文 245

Introduction to Intellectual Property Law 知识产权法导论 245

Part One The Subject Matter 245

Part Two Protection and Justification 246

Part Three Sources of Law 247

Exercises 练习 250

1.Questions about the text 250

2.Dictation|Intellectual Property Rights 250

3.Discussion|Infringements and defenses about copyright 250

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 251

19 Lesson Nineteen:WTO Rules 世贸组织规则 260

Background Knowledge 背景知识 260

Text 课文 260

Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes(DSU) 纠纷解决程序与规则谅解书 260

Article 1 Coverage and Application 260

Article 6 Establishment of Panels 261

Article 7 Terms of Reference of Panels 261

Article 8 Composition of Panels 262

Exercises 练习 265

1.Questions about the text 265

2.Dictation|International Economic Law 265

3.Discussion|Import monopoly and mark-up 265

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 266

20 Lesson Twenty:Civil Procedure 民事诉讼程序 275

Background Knowledge 背景知识 275

Text 课文 275

Introduction to Civil Procedure 民事诉讼程序导论 275

Part One The Course of Civil Procedure 275

Part Two The Adversary Trial System 276

Part Three The Process of Trial 277

Part Four The Rules of Evidence 278

Exercises 练习 281

1.Questions about the text 281

2.Dictation|Courtroom English 281

3.Preparation for a trial 283

4.Examples of jury instructions given by the trial judge 285

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 287

21 Lesson Twenty One:Criminal Procedure 刑事诉讼程序 294

Background Knowledge 背景知识 294

Text 课文 294

Introduction to Criminal Procedure 刑事诉讼程序导论 294

Part One The Adversary System 294

Part Two The Accusatorial System 297

Part Three Standards of Proof 300

Exercises 练习 303

1.Questions about the text 303

2.Dictation|Examination of Withesses 304

3.Practice Direct-examination and cross-examination 304

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 308

22 Lesson Twenty Two:Rules of Evidence 证据规则 323

Background Knowledge 背景知识 323

Text 课文 324

Federal Rules of Evidence 联邦证据规则 324

Artide Ⅰ General Provisions 324

Article Ⅳ Relevancy and Its Limits 325

Article Ⅶ Opinions and Expert Testimony 326

Article Ⅸ Authentication and Identification 326

Exercises 练习 329

1.Questions about the text 329

2.Dictation|Two Principal Questions about Evidence 329

3.Mock Trial|California v.O.J.Simpson 329

Supplementary Reading 补充读物及参考译文 333

Appendix Ⅰ:Reference Answers to the Questions about the Texts 附录一:关于课文之问题的参考答案 339

Appendix Ⅱ:Writing of a Legal Memorandum 附录二:法律备忘录的撰写 361
