- 高廷健,李冰编 著
- 出版社: 北京:人民邮电出版社
- ISBN:7115056234
- 出版时间:1995
- 标注页数:190页
- 文件大小:8MB
- 文件页数:197页
- 主题词:存储程序控制电话交换机 英语
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Unit1 1
Text A: The Slow Push To SPC 1
Text B: ITT 1240 Digital Exchange General Introduction 9
Fast Reading: The Telephone and Its Inventor 15
Unit2 18
Text A: Switching Techniques 18
Text B: ITT 1240 Digital Exchange Operating System 27
Fast Reading: Early Telephone and Its Improvement 32
Text A: Connection Unit 35
Unit3 35
Text B: ITT 1240 Operation and Maintenance Basic Maintenance Functions 43
Fast Reading: Telephone Exchange 49
Unit4 52
Text A: Control Architecture 52
Text B: NEAX61E System Outline 61
Fast Reading: The First Lady of Telecommunication 66
Unit5 69
Text A: Software In Electronic Switching Systems 69
Text B: NEAX61E Basic Software Features 77
Fast Reading: Automatic Switchboards 83
Unit6 86
Text A: Some Languages Used In Switching Software 86
Text B: AXE High Technology Switching System 94
Fast Reading: A Look at the Future of Audioconferencing 101
Unit7 104
Text A: Overview of Call Processing 104
Text B: AXE Common Channel Singalling Subsystem(CCITT No.6) 112
Fast Reading: Features of the Cable Configuration 119
Text A: Common-channel Signalling 122
Unit8 122
Text B: New 5ESS Switch 130
Fast Reading: 136
Unit9 139
Text A: Switched Multi-megabit Data Service(SMDS) 139
Text B: 5ESS Gateway Switch 148
Fast Reading: Long Distance Telephoning 153
Unit10 156
Text A: UMTS-Mobile Communications Beyond the Year 2000 156
Text B: Electronic Mobile Exchange Basic Design Concepts 165
Fast Reading: Cellular System Overview 171