
- 中国第二历史档案馆编 著
- 出版社: 南京:江苏古籍出版社
- ISBN:7805190461
- 出版时间:1987
- 标注页数:859页
- 文件大小:55MB
- 文件页数:1722页
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壹、国民政府的对日作战方针与计划部署 3
Ⅰ.National Government Anti-Japanese Opera-tional Policy and Strategy 3
(Ⅰ). The Strategic Defencive Stage 3
〔一〕战略的防御阶段 3
(Ⅱ). From Military Stalemate to the Partial Counteroffensive Stage 22
〔二〕战略的相持至局部反攻阶段 22
1.Political and Military Situations around the Incident 163
Ⅱ.Major Military Operations in the Strategic Defensive Stage 163
〔一〕卢沟桥事变 163
贰、战略防御阶段的主要战役 163
(Ⅰ). The Lugouqiao Incident 163
(一)事变前后的政治军事动态 163
2.Armed Provocation of Japanese Aggressor Troops and Strong Resistance of Chinese Troops 178
(二)日军武装挑衅与中国守军的坚决抵抗 178
3.Reports on the Lugouqiao Incident 208
(三)卢沟桥事变的会报记录 208
(Ⅱ).The August 13th Wusong-Shanghai Armed Conflict 247
1.Military Positions of the Belligerent Parties before the Conflict 247
(1). Provocation of Japanese Aggressor Troops and the Hongqiao Airport Incident 247
〔二〕淞沪抗战 247
(一)战前敌我态势 247
一、日军的挑衅活动与虹桥机场事件 247
二、国民政府的抗战准备 257
(2). National Government Preparations for the Anti-Japanese War 257
2.Operational Preparations of the Belligerent Parties after the Outbreak of the Armed Conflict 266
(1).Deployment and Invasion Attempt by the Japanese Aggressor Troops 266
(二)战争爆发后敌我双方的作战部署 266
一、日军的兵力调动与侵略企图 266
(2).Operational Program and Deployment of the Chinese Troops 286
二、中国军队的作战计划与部署 286
(三)作战经过 336
(3).An Account of the August 13th Wu-song-Shanghai Armed Conflict 336
(4).Negotiations between the National Government and Foreign Consuls at Shanghai 384
(四)国民政府与驻沪各国领事之交涉 384
(一)战前部署 395
1.Operational Preparations before the Campaign 395
(Ⅱ).The Nanjing Defensive Campaign 395
〔三〕南京保卫战 395
2.Fighting and the Breaking out of Chinese Troops 402
(二)战斗经过及突围情况 402
〔四〕太原会战 449
(一)作战计划 449
1.Operational Program of Chinese Troops 449
(Ⅳ).The Taiyuan Campaign 449
(二)平型关战役 453
2.The Battle of Pingxingguan 453
3.The Battle of Xinkou 478
(三)忻口战役 478
(四)娘子关保卫战 522
4.The Defensive Battle of Niangziguan 522
(五)太原保卫战 545
5.The Defensive Battle of Taiyuan 545
(一)作战计划与初期战况 558
〔五〕徐州会战 558
(Ⅴ).The Xuzhou Campaign 558
1.Operational Program and Situation on the Battlefield in the Early Period of the Campaign 558
2.Great Victory at Taierzhuang, and the Defensive Battle of Linyi 569
(二)台儿庄大捷与临沂保卫战 569
(三)徐州会战经过与总结 619
3.An Account of the the Xuzhou Cam-paign and Its Conclusion 619
〔六〕武汉会战 648
(一)作战计划与初期战况 648
(Ⅵ).The Wuhan Campaign 648
1.Operational Program and Situation on the Battlefield in the Early Periok of the Campaign 648
2.Operations around Wuhan 672
(二)武汉外围保卫战 672
3.Engagements at Hankou, Hanyang and Wuchang 750
(三)武汉三镇之战 750
4.Conclusion and a Summary of the Campaign 775
(四)战役尾声与检讨 775
(Ⅰ).The Nanchang Campaign 781
1.Military Positions of the Belligerent Parties, and Operational Preparations 781
叁、战略相持阶段的主要战役 781
〔一〕南昌会战 781
(一)敌我态势及作战部署 781
(二)会战经过 797
2.An Account of the Campaign 797
3.A Summary of the Campaign 812
(三)战斗总结 812
(一)敌我态势及我军部署 824
1.Military Positions of the Belligerent Parties and the Deployment of Chinese Troops 824
〔二〕随枣会战 824
(Ⅱ).The Suixian-Zaoyang Campaign 824
2.An Account of the Campaign 833
(二)会战经过 833
3.A Summary of the Campaign 846
(三)战斗总结 846
(Ⅲ).The Southern Guangxi Campaign 860
1.The Loss of Nanning 860
(一)南宁失陷 860
〔三〕桂南会战 860
(二)昆仑关战役 867
2.The Battle of Kunlunguan 867
(三)宾阳战役 895
3.The Battle of Bingyang 895
4.The Recovery of Nanning 915
(四)收复南宁 915
1.Military Positions of the Belligerent Parties and Military Preparations before the Campaign 929
(Ⅳ).The Zaoyang-Yicheng Campaign 929
〔四〕枣宜会战 929
(一)敌我态势与战前军事部署 929
2.Fighting at Zaoyang 941
(二)襄东(枣阳)战斗 941
(三) 张自忠殉国经过 951
3.Zhang Zizhong Death for the Nation 951
(四)襄西(宜昌)战斗 955
4.Fighting at Yichang 955
(五)战斗总结 968
5.Conclusion of the Campaign 968
(Ⅴ).The Shanggao Campaign 974
〔五〕上高会战 974
1.Minutes of the Operational Mecting be-fore the Campaign 993
(Ⅵ).The Southern Shanxi Campaign (The Zhongtiao Mountain Campaign) 993
〔六〕晋南会战(中条山战役) 993
(一)战前作战会议记录 993
(二)会战期间来往密电 1004
(三)第一战区中条山会战要报 1009
(1).Military Positions and Operational Preparations of the Belligerent Parties before the Campaign 1027
(一)第一次长沙会战 1027
〔七〕长沙会战 1027
(Ⅶ).The Changsha Campaign 1027
1.The First Changsha Operation 1027
一、战前敌我态势与作战部署 1027
(2).An Account of the Operation 1042
a.Engagements in Northern Jiangxi 1042
1.赣北方面 1042
二、会战经过 1042
b.Engagements in Northern Hebei 1060
2.鄂南方面 1060
c.Engagements in Northern Hunan 1064
3.湘北方面 1064
三、会战的经验教训 1077
(3).Experience and Lessons from the Campaign 1077
(二)第二次长沙会战 1081
一、战前敌我态势与作战部署 1081
2.The Second Changsha Operation 1081
(1).Military Positions and Operational Preparations of the Belligerent Parties 1081
二、会战经过 1086
(2).An Account of the Operation 1086
2.Correspondence during the Campaign 1104
(3).A Summary of the Operation 1106
三、会战检讨 1106
(三)第三次长沙会战 1120
一、战前敌我态势与作战部署 1120
(1).Military Positions and Operational Preparations of the Belligerent Parties 1120
3.The Third Changsha Operation 1120
a.The Northern Hunan Main Battlefield 1134
(2).An Account of the Operation 1134
二、会战经过 1134
1.湘北主战场 1134
b.The Northern Jiangxi Theatre 1161
2.赣北策应战场 1161
三、会战的经验教训 1168
(3).Experience and Lessons from the Operation 1168
(一)战前敌我态势与作战部署 1179
〔八〕常德会战 1179
(Ⅷ). The Changde Campaign 1179
1.Military Positions and Operational Preparations of the Belligerent Parties 1179
2.An Account and a Summary of the Campaign 1183
(二)作战经过与检讨 1183
(Ⅸ).The Central Henan Campaign 1214
1.Military Positions and Operational Preparations of the Belligerent Parties before the Campaign 1214
(一)敌我态势与作战准备 1214
〔九〕豫中会战 1214
(二)作战经过与检讨 1221
2.An Account and a Summary of the Campaign 1221
〔十〕长衡会战 1254
(一)作战部署 1254
1.Operational Preparations 1254
(Ⅹ).The Changsha-Hengyang Campaign 1254
(二)作战经过与检讨 1262
2.An Account and a Summary of the Campaign 1262
(一)作战部署 1299
(Ⅺ).The Guilin-Liuzhou Campaign 1299
1.Operatinal Preparations 1299
〔十一〕桂柳会战 1299
2.An Account and a Summary of the Campaign 1312
(二)作战经过与总结 1312
(一)战前敌我态势与作战部署 1340
〔十二〕湘西会战 1340
1.Military Positions and Operational Preparations of the Belligerent Parties before the Campaign 1340
(Ⅻ).The Western Hunan Campaign 1340
2.An Account and a Summary of the Campaign 1357
(二)作战经过与总结 1357
(ⅩⅢ).The Yunnan-Burma Campaign 1388
〔十三〕滇缅会战 1388
一、作战计划与战斗部署 1388
(1).Battle Plan and Operational Preparations 1388
1.Operations in Burma 1388
(一)缅甸战役 1388
二、中国远征军入缅作战经过 1405
1.同古保卫战 1405
(2).Chinese Expeditionary Troops Fighting in Burma 1405
a.The Defence of Tounggoo 1405
2.罗衣考战斗 1412
b.Engagement at Loikaw 1412
c.Resistance at Swa 1415
3.斯瓦逐次抵抗 1415
4.乔克巴党行动 1417
d.Action at Kyaupadaung 1417
e.Engagement at Lolem-Taunggyi 1421
5.雷列姆--棠吉战斗 1421
f.The Defence of Lashio 1425
6.腊戍保卫战 1425
三、中国远征军的艰难转进与滇西滇南相持战局的形成 1428
(3).Chinese Expeditionary Troops?Retreat from Burma, and the War Situation in Western and Southern 1428
a.The 66th Army Retreat from Northern Burma and the Military Stalemate in Western Yunnan 1428
1.第六十六军退出缅北与滇西的相持战局 1428
b.Removal of the 6th Army and the Military Stalemate in Southern Yunnan 1431
2.第六军的转进与滇南相持战局 1431
c.The 5th Army Removal to Western Yunnan and India 1435
3.第五军转进滇西印度 1435
(4).Views on the Military Situation of the Burma Campaign 1438
四、缅甸战役军势检讨 1438
(1).Operational Program 1440
(二)缅北会战 1440
一、作战计划 1440
2.The Northern Burma Campaign 1440
二、中国驻印军缅北会战第一期作战经过与检讨 1443
a.The Attack on Hukwang Valley 1443
(2).An Account and a Summary of the First Stage of the Northern Burma Campaign Launched by the Chin 1443
1.虎关河谷的攻略 1443
c.The Attack on Myitkyina 1446
2.孟拱河谷的攻略 1451
b.The Attack on Mogaung Valley 1451
3.密支那的攻略 1466
d.Experience and Lessons from the Battles 1470
4.作战经验与教训 1470
a.The Attack on Bhamo 1474
三、中国驻印军缅北会战第二期作战经过与检讨 1474
1.八莫的攻略 1474
(3).An Account and a Summary of the Second Stage of the Northern Burma Campaign Launched by the Chi 1474
2.南坎的攻略 1481
b.The Attack on Nanhkam 1481
c.The Battle of Hsenwi-Lashio 1488
3.新维腊戍战役 1488
d.Experience and Lessons from the Campaign 1491
4.会战尾声与作战检讨 1491
(4).Fighting in Yunnan and Burma around the Conclusion of the Northern Burma Campaign 1499
1.日军在缅甸战场的溃退 1499
四、缅北会战结束前后的滇缅战场 1499
2.中印公路通车与英美在滇缅的活动 1501
一、中国远征军策应驻印军作战方案 1503
(1).Operational Program of the Chinese Expeditionary Troops for Supporting the Troops Stationed in 1503
3.The Western Yunnan Campaign 1503
(三)滇西会战 1503
(2).A Brief Account of the Progress of Battles Given by the Chinese Expeditionary Troops 1507
a.The Battle of Tengchong 1507
1.腾冲战役 1507
二、中国远征军策应驻印军作战概况 1507
b.The Battle of Songshan 1510
2.松山战役 1510
c.The Battle of Longlin 1512
3.龙陵战役 1512
d.The Battle of Manshi-Zhefang 1520
4.芒市、遮放战役 1520
e.The Battle of Wanding 1522
5.畹町战役 1522
6.中国远征军与驻印军胜利会师 1526
f.The Joint Forces of the Chinese Expedi-tionary Troops and the Troops Stationed in India 1526
3.A Brief Account of the Western Yunnan Campaign and Its Experience and Lessons 1530
三、滇西会战简况与经验教训 1530
附录:抗日战争时期中国军队序列表 1537
Appendix: Lists of Commanders in the War of Resistance Against Japan 1537