- (美)(E.A.奈达)Eugene A.Nida著;胡壮麟,黄倩译 著
- 出版社: 北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- ISBN:756001254X
- 出版时间:1998
- 标注页数:458页
- 文件大小:15MB
- 文件页数:463页
- 主题词:
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Preface 1
Charpter 1. The Roles of Language 6
Charpter 2. The Roles of Words 29
Charpter 3. An Introduction to the Semantics of Grammar 46
Charpter 4. The "Possessive" Construction 61
Charpter 5. Phrases Consisting of Series of Nouns 75
Charpter 6. Adjective-Noun Phrases 88
Charpter 7. Expressions with Adverbs 102
Charpter 8. Noun Phrases with of 110
Charpter 9. Noun Phrases with Preposed Active Participles 123
Charpter 10. Noun Phrases with Preposed Passive Participles 130
Charpter 1l. Verb Phrases 137
Charpter 12. Sentences 166
Charpter 13. Methodology for Determining Semantic Relations between Verbal Constituents 190
Bibliography 196
Appendix 198