近代物理学 改编版pdf电子书版本下载

- (美)伯恩斯坦,(美)菲什波恩,(美)高斯奥沃茨原著;史斌星改编 著
- 出版社: 高等教育出版社
- ISBN:7040164515
- 出版时间:2005
- 标注页数:505页
- 文件大小:110MB
- 文件页数:40115668页
- 主题词:
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1 A Review 1
1-1 Newton’s Laws 2
Gravity 3
Hooke’s Law 3
1-2 Work, Energy, and the Conservation of Energy 5
1-3 Rotations and the Center of Mass 8
1-4 Elastic Media and Waves 10
Power and Energy in Waves 13
Reflection and Refraction 14
Coherence, Interference, and Diffraction 14
The Doppler Shift 15
1-5 Thermal Phenomena 16
Kinetic Theory 19
1-6 The Atomic Structure of Matter 21
1-7 Electricity and Magnefism 24
1-8 Electromagnetic Waves and Light 29
Energy and Momentum Transport 32
Polarization 33
Conclusion 33
PART 1 Quantum Mechanics 35
Historical Introduction 35
2 Waves As Particles and Particles As Waves 42
2-1 The Nature of Photons 42
2-2 The Photoelectric Effect 45
2-3 The Compton Effect 49
2-4 Blackbody Radiation 51
2-5 Conceptual Consequences of Light As Particles 55
2-6 Matter Waves and Their Detection 56
Conditions for Interference in Crystals 57
Testing the Wave Character of Electrons 59
2-7 Conceptual Consequences of Particles As Waves 60
Summary 62
Questions 62
Problems 63
3 Atoms and the Bohr Model 67
3-1 The Behavior and Structureof Atoms 67
3-2 The Bohr Atom 69
The Atomic Radius 71
The Atomic Energy 72
Atomic Transitions in the Bohr Model 74
The Franck-Hertz Experiment 78
3-3 Application of Bohr’s Ideas to Other Systems 79
Rotations of Diatomic Molecules 79
The Harmonic Oscillator 82
3-4 The Correspondence Principle 83
Experiments on Nearly Classical Atoms 85
Summary 86
Questions 86
Problems 87
4 The Schrodinger Equation 91
4-1 Wave Functions and Probabilities 91
The Probabilistic Interpretation 94
Towards an Equation for the Wave Function 96
4-2 The Form of the Schrodinger Equation 97
4-3 Expectation Values 99
Normalization 100
Expectation Values 100
4-4 The Time-Independent Schrodinger Equation 103
4-5 An Example: The Infinite Well 104
The Physical Meaning of Eigenfunctions and Eigenvalues 108
4-6 The Schrodinger Equation in Three Dimensions 110
Summary 111
Questions 111
Problems 112
Appendix 115
5 Wave Packets and the Uncertainty Principle 117
5-1 A Free Electron in One Dimension 117
5-2 Wave Packets 121
Making a Pulse 122
The Free Particle Moves 126
5-3 Uncertainty Relations 127
Evaluation of Widths in Position and Momentum 127
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation 129
5-4 The Meaning of the UncertaintyRelations 133
The Two-Slit Experiment 136
5-5 The Time-Energy UncertaintyRelation 138
5-6 Estimating Energies 140
Summary 142
Questions 143
Problems 144
6 Barriers and Wells 148
6-1 Particle Motion in the Presence of a Potential Barrier 149
6-2 Wave Functions in the Presence of a Potential Barrier 151
Continuity Conditions 153
Properties of the Solution for E > V0 154
6-3 Tunneling through the Potential Barrier 156
6-4 Applications and Examples of Tunneling 159
Nuclear Physics 159
Molecular Physics 161
Electronics 164
6-5 Bound States 167
Even and Odd Solutions 169
Nodes and Energies 171
Summary 172
Questions 173
Problems 174
Appendix 178
7 Angular Momentum and the Hydrogen Atom 180
7-1 The Schrodinger Equation for Central Potentials 181
Reduction and Partial Solution of the Schrodinger Equation 182
Probabilistic Interpretation of the Wave Function 184
Solving for the Spherical Harmonics 185
7-2 Angular Momentum 189
Eigenvalue Equations for L2 and Lz 190
7-3 Allowed Energies and Electron Spatial Distribution in the Hydrogen Atom 193
Energy Eigenvalues for Hydrogen 194
Radial Eigenfunctions for Hydrogen 196
7-4 The Zeeman Effect 200
The Connection between Magnetic Moments and Angular Momentum 200
Hydrogen in Magnetic Fields and the Zeeman Effect 202
Experimental Observation of the Zeeman Effect 204
The Stern-Gerlach Experiment 204
7-5 Spin 205
The Magnetic Moment of the Electron andthe Anomalous Zeeman Effect 207
Modern Measurement of the Electron g-Factor 209
Addition of Spin and Orbital Angular Momentum 210
Spin-Orbit Coupling 211
7-6 Hyperfine Structure and Magnetic Resonance Imaging 212
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 214
Summary 216
Questions 217
Problems 218
8 Many Particles 223
8-1 The Multiparticle Schrodinger Equation 223
8-2 Independent Particles 224
8-3 Identical Particles 226
8-4 Exchange Symmetries and the Pauli Principle 229
The Total Spin of Two Electrons 232
Electrons in a Well 233
Exchange Forces 236
8-5 The Fermi Energy 237
Three Dimensions 240
Examples of Degenerate Matter 244
8-6 Degeneracy Pressure 244
A Back-of-the-Envelope Estimate of Degeneracy Pressure 244
A More Accurate Calculation of the Degeneracy Pressure 245
Astrophysical Applications 246
Summary 249
Questions 249
Problems 250
PART 2 Applications 255
9 Complex Atoms and Molecules 256
9-1 Energy in the Helium Atom 256
9-2 Building Up the Periodic Table 258
How to Build Up the Periodic Table 260
9-3 Beyond Z = 10 and General Comments 264
Moseley’s Law and the Auger Effect 267
9-4 Molecules 270
The H2+ Molecule 270
The H2 Molecule and Valence Bonds 272
Ionic Bonding 273
9-5 Nuclear Motion and Its Consequences 274
Vibrations in Molecules 274
Rotations of Molecules 277
Summary 280
Questions 281
Problems 282
10 Statistical Physics 284
10-1 The Description of a Classical Gas 285
10-2 The Maxwell Distribution 289
Experimental Verification of the MaxwellDistribution 292
10-3 The Boltzmann Distribution 293
An Elementary Derivation of the Boltzmann Distribution 294
A System of Molecules with Discrete Energies 296
10-4 Equipartition and Heat Capacity 299
Experiments on Equipartition 304
10-5 The Fermi-Dirac Distribution 305
Identification of the Constants 307
10-6 The Bose-Einstein Distribution 308
10-7 Transition to a Continuum Distribution and the Calculation of Averages 311
The Transition to the Continuum 312
Finding Averages 312
10-8 Systems of Relativistic Particles and the Blackbody Distribution 314
10-9 Some Applications 315
The Specific Heat of Electrons in Metals 315
The Specific Heat of Molecules 316
Bose-Einstein Condensation 317
Liquid Helium and Superfluidity 320
Summary 322
Questions 323
Problems 324
11Decays, Radiation fromAtoms, and Lasers 331
11-1 Decay Rates and Exponential Decay 331
Exponential Decay 332
11-2 The Ingredients of a Quantum Calculation 334
Quantum Mechanical Expression for the Transition Rate 335
Selection Rules 336
11-3 Induced Transitions 337
11-4 Lasers 340
Creating a Population Inversion 342
Pumping Schemes 343
The Cavity 344
Pulses 346
Varieties of Lasers 347
The Gyro Laser 348
Cooling and Trapping of Atoms 350
Optical Tweezers and Scissors 351
Summary 352
Questions 352
Problems 353
12 Conductors,Semiconductors, and Superconductors 356
12-1 The Classical Theory of Conductivity 356
Mean Free Path and Collision Cross Sections 357
The Classical Drude Formula 359
12-2 The Quantum Mechanical Free-elec-tron Model 360
The Quantum Mechanical Speed for the Drude Formula 361
Scattering from a Regular Lattice 362
12-3 Band Structure 366
The Connection between Bands and Propagation in a Lattice 370
The Differences between Conductors and Insulators 374
12-4 Semiconductors 375
Electrons and Holes 377
12-5 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors 382
Fermi Energies in Doped Semiconductors 383
12-6 Engineering Applications of Semiconductors: Present and Future 384
Optical Effects in Semiconductors 384
The p-n Junction 386
Transistors 390
Semiconductor Lasers 392
Nanostructures and Integrated Circuits 392
Artificial Atoms 393
12-7 Superconductivity 395
Magnetic Properties of Superconductors 395
Specific Heat and the Superconducting Energy Gap 396
The Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) Theory 398
Magnetic Flux Quantization 399
High Temperature Superconductors 402
Summary 402
Questions 403
Problems 404
13 The Atomic Nucleus 407
13-1 Neutrons and Protons 407
13-2 Nuclear Size and Mass 410
13-3 The Semiempirical Mass Formula 412
Nuclear Decays 417
13-4 Aspects of Nuclear Structure 419
The Liquid-drop Model 420
The Shell Model 422
13-5 Nuclear Reactions 425
Time Dependence in Quantum Mechanical Decays 425
Nuclear Decay Modes 427
Collision Reactions 431
13-6 Applications 432
Geological and Archeological Dating 432
Nuclear Chain Reactions (Fission) 434
Fusion Reactions 435
Effects of Radiation 436
Summary 437
Questions 438
Problems 439
14 Elementary Particle Physics 444
14-1 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Antiparticles 445
14-2 Conservation Laws 448
Does the Proton Decay? 449
14-3 Virtual Particles and a Pictorial Representation 451
Feynman Diagrams 451
Quantum Electrodynamics 453
14-4 The Yukawa Hypothesis and Pions 454
14-5 The Particle “Zoo” and the Discovery of Quarks 458
The Quark Model 461
Quark Confinement and the Experimental Discovery of Quarks 464
14-6 Interactions among the Quarks: Quantum Chromodynamics 465
Heavy Quarks and Quarkonium 467
14-7 Weak Interactions and Leptons 470
Yukawa Hypothesis for the Weak Interactions 473
More Leptons 474
14-8 Pulling Things Together 475
Internal Conservation Laws Revisited 475
The Standard Model 477
Summary 478
Questions 479
Problems 479
Appendix A Tables 485
Appendix B A Mathematical Tool Chest 489
Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems 498
Bibliography 503
Photo Credits 506