

  • 蒋岚著 著
  • 出版社: 深圳:海天出版社
  • ISBN:9787806978085
  • 出版时间:2007
  • 标注页数:249页
  • 文件大小:11MB
  • 文件页数:267页
  • 主题词:英语-词汇-高等学校-入学考试,国外-自学参考资料


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a 1

(a)ble,ible 2

ab(s) 3

ac,ic 4

aci 5

acr,acu 5

act 6

acy 6

ad,af 7

add 7

aer(i),aero,air 8

age 9

ag(it) 9

agon 10

agri,agro 10

aire,ar(d),art,ary,ian,(t)ain 11

al 11

ali,alter 12

allevi,1ev 12

alt 13

amat,am(i) 13

ambi,amphi 14

ambulate 14

an 15

ance,ancy,ence,ency 15

anim 16

ann(i),annu,enn(i) 16

an(t),ar(d),ar(y),ia(l),(u)al 17

ante 18

anthrop(o) 19

ant(i) 19

apt,ept 20

aqua 20

arch 21

archeo,arch(i) 21

arm(a) 22

art 22

aster,astro 23

ate 23

(a)tion,sion 25

au(c),aug 25

aud(io),audi(t) 26

aut(o) 27

back 27

ball 28

bar 28

base 29

be 30

bene 31

bible,bibli(o) 31

bility 32

bi(n) 32

bio 33

brief,brevi 33

by 34

caco 35

cap 35

car 36

cat(a),cath 36

chrom(o) 37

chron(o) 37

circle,circu,circum 38

cle,cule 39

co(1),com,con,cor 39

consm(o) 41

contra,counter 42

cracy,crat 43

crypt(o) 44

cy 44

de 45

deb(i)t 46

dem(o) 47

dent(i) 47

dia 48

dic(t) 48

di(f),dis 49

div 51

doc(t) 51

docu 51

dogma 52

dole 52

dom 52

dors 53

down 53

duce,duct 54

du(e) 54

dur 55

dyna 55

ed 56

ee 56

eer,ier 57

ef,e(x) 57

ego 58

electr(o) 59

em,en 59

empt 61

ence,ency 62

ent 62

enter 63

equ(a),equi 63

(e)r,or,ster 64

err(o) 65

esce(nce),escent 66

ess 66

et(te) 67

ethn(o) 67

eu 67

eur 68

extra 68

fab 69

face,front 70

fac(t),fect 70

fall,fals 71

far 71

fare 72

fem 73

fend 73

fer 74

fess 75

fic 75

figure 76

fine 76

firm 77

fix 77

flat(e) 78

flect,flex 78

flict 79

flo(u)r,flower 79

flu(x),flow 80

fold 80

for 81

force,fort 81

fore 82

form 83

fract,frag,frang 84

fre,frig 84

fug(e) 85

ful 85

fum(e) 86

fund 86

fus(e) 87

gamy 87

gene,gen(ito) 88

geo 89

gest 89

grad,gress 90

grat(i) 90

grave 91

habit 91

hale 92

hap 92

hect(o) 92

heir,herit 93

helico 93

hemi,semi 94

herd 94

here 95

here(nt),hes 95

home 96

homo 96

hood 96

hor(r) 97

house,hus 97

humid 98

hum(ili) 98

hydr(o) 99

hyper,hyster 99

hypno 100

hypo 100

ical,(s)ive,tive 100

ice 101

(ic)ian,ist 102

ics 102

ideo 103

idio 103

ield 104

ify 104

il,im,in,ir 105

il(e) 107

inter 107

intra,intri,intro 108

(i)ous 109

ise,ize 111

ish 112

ite 113

ium 113

ivorous 114

je(c)t 114

join(t),junct 115

journ 115

judic,jur,just 116

labor 116

lateral 117

le 117

lect, 118

less 119

let 119

like 120

line 120

ling 121

litera 121

locut,loqu(e) 122

long 122

lop(e) 123

luc 123

lude 124

mal(e) 124

man 125

mand 126

mania 126

manu 127

marc,mark 127

mar(in) 128

mat(e)ri,metr,mother 128

med(i),mid 129

meg(a) 129

melan(o) 130

melo 130

mem 130

mend 131

ment 131

merc(han) 132

merge 132

meter 133

micr(o) 133

migrate 134

milit 134

minent 135

min(i) 135

mis 136

miss,mit 137

mob,mote,move 137

mode 138

mon(it) 138

mon(o) 139

moral 140

mor(t) 140

mount 141

multi(ple) 141

mura 142

nav(i) 142

neur(o) 142

neut(r) 143

nomin 143

non(e) 144

norm 144

not(e) 145

nounce 145

nov 146

ob,op 146

off 147

omni 148

on 148

oom 149

ora 149

orth(o) 150

ory 150

out,over 150

pac(i),peace,pease 153

pan(to) 153

par(a) 154

pass,past 155

par(t) 156

pathy 156

pat(ible) 157

patr(i) 157

ped(i) 158

pee 158

pel,pudi,puls 159

pend,pens 160

per 160

peri 161

petit 162

petro 162

pharmac 162

phil(o) 163

phon(e),phony 163

physi 164

plac 164

plain,plan 165

plant 165

plat 165

ple(n),plet 166

ple(x),ply 166

point 167

ponent 167

popu,pub 168

port 168

portion 169

pos(e),posit 169

post 170

pre 171

prec 172

precate 173

prehend,pris 173

press 174

prim 174

pro 175

prob(e),prove 176

proof 177

pur(e),purg 177

pute 178

quadr(i) 179

quasi 179

quer,quest,quire 180

radic,ras(e) 180

radi(o) 181

rama 181

range 182

re 182

retro 184

ride(o),ridicu 185

rium,(s)ium 185

rive 185

rode 186

roga 186

rupt 187

sacr,secr 187

sat(e),satis 188

scend,scent 188

scribe,scipt 189

se 189

sect 190

secu,sequ,seri 191

sed(i),sess,side 191

sembl(e) 192

sens,sent(i) 193

sert 193

serve 194

ship 194

sign 195

simil(ar) 196

sist 196

smith 197

soci(a) 197

sol(e),soli 198

solute,solve 199

some 199

somno 200

son,sound 200

sort 201

spect,spise 201

sphere 202

spir(e) 203

sta(b),stat(e) 203

stere,stero 204

(s)tinct,sting,ting 205

stitute 205

strain 206

strat(a) 206

strict 207

stru(ct) 207

suade 208

sub 208

sue 209

sume 210

super 210

sur 211

sure 212

surf,surg 212

syn,sym 213

tact,tang 213

tain,ten 214

techni,techno 215

tele 215

tempor(ary) 216

tend 216

tens(e) 217

tenu 217

termin(e) 218

terr 218

test 219

text 219

the 220

therapy 220

thesis 221

titude,(i)tude 221

ton(e) 222

tort 222

tox 223

tract 223

trans(fer) 224

tri 225

tribute 225

troph(y) 226

trude 226

tum(ble),turb 227

twi 227

ulent 228

ultim 228

ultra 229

un 229

under 230

uni 232

up 232

urb(an) 234

use 234

vac,void 235

vade,vas 235

vail,valu,venue 236

velop 237

ven(e),vent 237

veng 238

ver 238

verbal 239

verg 239

vers(e),vert 240

vest 241

via 241

vict 242

vid(e) 242

video 243

vig,vit,vive 243

vis(e) 244

vocal 244

vocate,voke 245

volu(t),volv(e) 245

ward(s) 246

ware 247

with 247

wrap 248

wreck,wretch 248

wrench,wrest 248
