高级英语 修订本 教师用书 第1册pdf电子书版本下载
- 梅仁毅,王立礼编 著
- 出版社: 北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- ISBN:7560009417
- 出版时间:1995
- 标注页数:492页
- 文件大小:12MB
- 文件页数:499页
- 主题词:
高级英语 修订本 教师用书 第1册PDF格式电子书版下载
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1.The Middle Eastern Bazaar 1
2.Hiroshima Jacques Danvoir 20
3.Ships in the Desert Al Gore 44
4.Everyday Use Alice Walker 67
5.Speech on Hitler's Invasion of the U.S.S.R. Winston S. Churchill 86
6.B1ackmail Arthur Hailey 110
7.The Age of Miracle Chips from Time 136
8.An Interactive Life from Newsweek 160
9.Mark Twain-Mirror of America Noel Grove 179
10.The Trial That Rocked the World John Scopes 207
11.But What's a Dictionary For? Bergen Evans 249
12.The Loons Margaret Laurence 270
13.Britannia Rues the Waves Andrew Neil 292
14.Argentia Bay Herman Wouk 318
15.No Signposts in the Sea V.Sackville-West 370
16.1776 Peter Stone Sherman Edwards 396
Appendix 454