
地道英语 非谓语动词100句pdf电子书版本下载

地道英语  非谓语动词100句
  • 浩瀚等编著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国书籍出版社
  • ISBN:7506809540
  • 出版时间:2001
  • 标注页数:260页
  • 文件大小:10MB
  • 文件页数:279页
  • 主题词:


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CHAPTER 1动词不定式作主语 2

1 To finish the work within a day is rather difficult. 一天之内完成这项工作很难。 2

2 How to do it is a difficult question. 如何做这件事是个难题。 5

3 It s important to be confident. 自信很重要。 8

4 It takes me half an hour to get there. 我花了半个小时到那儿。 11

CHAPTER 2动词不定式作表语 15

1 The next step is to get all things ready.下一步就是把一切都准备好。 15

2 What am I to do if I come across a robber?如果我遇到了强盗该怎么办? 18

3 Nobody is to know.不应让任何人知道。 21

CHAPTER 3动词不定式作宾语 25

1 They decide to make a detour. 他们决定绕道而行。 25

2 I intended to catch the early train,but I didn t get up in time.我计划乘早班车,但是我没能及时起床。 28

3 I like to make new friends.我喜欢交新朋友。 31

4 We expect to make a small profit this year. 我们希望今年盈利。 34

5 I know how much to pay. 我知道要付多少钱。 37

CHAPTER 4动词不定式作宾补 41

1 I expect you all to be at the station on time. 我希望你们都能准时到达车站。 41

2 Try to persuade him to come with us .尽力劝他和我们一起去. 44

3 They don t allow dogs to enter the house.他们不许狗进入房间。 47

4 The general commanded his men to advance.将军命令他的部队前进。 50

5 Mother asked the boy to put on a jacket. 母亲让孩子穿上一件茄克衫。 53

CHAPTER 5动词不定式作定语 57

1 There is nothing to worry about.没有什么可担心的。 57

2 It is time to get up.该起床了。 60

3 The lecture to follow is about American Civil War.下一讲是有关美国国内战争。 63

4 He is always the first to answer questions. 他总是第一个回答问题的人。 66

5 He had five minutes to go before time was up.他还剩下五分钟。 69

6 It isn t a thing to talk about.、这件事不应该谈论。 72

CHAPTER 6动词不定式作状语 76

1 The whole family went to beach to spend their weekend.全空去海滨度周末。 76

2 She is very polite to show us the way .她很有礼貌地为我们指路。 79

3 He is shocked to hear of the accident .他听到车祸的消息很震惊。 82

4 To tell the truth ,this is all Greek to me.说实话,我对此一窍不通。 85

CHAPTER 7 It is +形容词+of/for+代词+不定式句型 89

1 It is clever of him to do it that way.他用那种方法做很聪明。 89

2 It s easy for me to see through his trick.我轻易就看出了他的诡计。 92

CHAPTER 8不定式的进行式 96

They seem to be getting along quite well他们看起来相处得很好。 96

CHAPTER 9不定式的完成式 100

1 I hope to have finished the work earlier.我希望早点完成这项工作。 100

2 He was believed to have been a reporter.人们相信他当过记者。 103

3 He will come to understand it in the end .他最终将会明白的。 106

CHAPTER 10动词不定式的被动语态 110

1 She felt little puzzled to be asked such a question.被问到这样一个问题,她感到有点困惑。 110

2 He is hard to convince.他很难说服。 113

3 The book is cheap enough to buy.买这本书很便宜。 116

CHAPTER 11不带to的动词不定式 120

1 Why worry about such trifles?何必为这件小事担心 120

2 Newton saw an apple fall.牛顿看到苹果落地。 123

3 I will not let such an opportunity slip.我不会错过这样一个机会。 126

4 You d better leave as soon as possible. 你最好尽快离开。 129

5 I would rather stay at home than go out.我宁愿呆在家里也不出去。 132

6 She does nothing but weep all day .她终日以泪洗面。 135

1 Saying is easier than doing.说比做容易。 139

CHAPTER 12动名词作主语 139

2 It s no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收。 142

CHAPTER 13动名词宾语 146

2 I don t mind losing a little.我不在乎损失那一点。 149

3 He carefully avoided giving me offence.他很小心,以防冒犯我。 152

4 I can t help thinking so.我忍不住这样想。 155

5 I advise waiting till the right time.我建议等到适当时候。 158

6 I feel ill;I ll have to put off going till next month. 我感觉不好,我必须推迟到下个月去。 161

7 The child insisted on staying with his mother.这个孩子坚持要和他妈妈呆在一起。 164

8 He succeeded in discovering the new element他成功地发现了新元素。 167

9 I m looking forward to returning home.我盼望着回家。 170

CHAPTER 14动名词作定语 174

1 No one is allowed to speak loud in the reading room .阅览室不许大声说话。 174

2 The book is worth going to buy.这本书值得买。 178

CHAPTER 15动名词的被动语态 178

3 The matter needs elplaining.这件事需要解释。 181

CHAPTER 16动词后面跟不定式与跟动名词的区别 185

1 He stopped talking. 他停止讲话。 185

He stopped to talk. 他停下来开始讲话。 185

2 Please remember to post the letter. 请记住寄信。 188

I remember posting your letter.我记得寄过你的信。 188

3 I regret not having told her earlier. 我后悔没有早点告诉她。 191

I regret to say I must leave tomorrow.我遗憾地说我明天必须出发。 191

4 He ll try to finish the work as soon as possible. 他将尽力尽快完成这项工作。 194

He ll try making a model ship.他将试着做一个轮船模型。 194

5 They want to repair the house.他们想要修理房子。 197

The house wants repairing. 那个房子需要修理。 197

His words mean refusing us.他的话意味着拒绝我们。 200

6 What do you mean to do?你打算做什么? 200

7 She left off writing when she saw me come. 她看到我进来时,停下不写了。 203

She left off to spend her holiday. 她出发去度假了。 203

CHAPTER 17分词作定语 207

1 Can you see the stars moving in the sky?你能看到天上移动的星星吗? 207

2 Those were the problems puzzling her day and night.那些就是昼夜因扰她的问题。 210

3 A watched pot never boiles. 心急锅不开。 213

4 The matter being discussed is of vital importance.正在讨论的这件事很重要。 216

5 These are the machine tools to be imported from France.这些是将要从法国进口的机器工具。 219

CHAPTER 18分词作表语 223

1 What he said was very touching.他所说的令人感动。 223

2 He was sunk in thought.他陷入沉思。 226

1 She smelt somthing burning.她闻到什么东西烧着了。 230

CAHPTER 19分词作宾补 230

2 I saw a soldier getting on the train.我看见一个士兵上火车。 233

I saw a soldier get on the train and disappeared.我看到一个士兵上了火车,消失了。 233

3 The joke set them all laughing.那个笑话把他们都逗乐了。 236

4 He couldn t make himself believed.他无法使别人相信他。 239

CHAPTER 20分词作状语 243

1 Hearing the news,they immediately set off for Shanghai.听到这个消息,他们立刻出去上海。 243

2 Being spring, the flowers are in full bloom.因为是春天,花全盛开了。 246

3 He walked down the hill,singing softly to himself. 他一路哼着小曲下了山。 249

4 United we stand,divided we fall.团结就是胜利,分裂必然失败。 252

5 He turned off the lamp,thereby seeing nothing.他把灯关上,因此什么也看不见。 255

CHAPTER 21分词的独立结构 258

Nobody having any more to say ,the meeting was closed.没有人再要讲什么,会议就结束了。 258
