
地道英语 简单句100句pdf电子书版本下载

地道英语  简单句100句
  • 浩瀚等编著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国书籍出版社
  • ISBN:7506809486
  • 出版时间:2001
  • 标注页数:274页
  • 文件大小:3MB
  • 文件页数:288页
  • 主题词:


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CHAPTER1 主语+系动词+表语 2

①His fatheris an engineer.他的父亲是位工程师。 2

②Mary s hobby is singing and dancing.玛丽的爱好是唱歌、跳舞。 6

③My grandfather is still alive.我的祖父仍然健在。 9

④The railway station is quite near.火车站很近。 13

⑤The story is very moving.这个故事很动人。 17

⑥Everything is in good order.一切都井然有序。 21

⑦His wish was to become a teacher.他的志愿是当一名教师。 24

⑧It s very careless of her.她太粗心了。 27

⑨He is always ready to help others.他总是乐于帮助别人。 30

⑩The problem is whom to ask for help.问题是找谁帮忙。 34

CHAPTER2 主语+谓语(不及物动词)(+状语) 39

①We eat to live.我们为了活着而吃饭。 39

②The concert lasted two hours.音乐会持续了两个小时。 42

③The door locks easily.这门容易锁上。 46

④He lay on the grass enjoying the sunshine.他在躺在地上享受阳光。 50

⑤Mary goes to office at 8 every morning.玛丽每天上午8点钟上班。 54

CHAPTER3 主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语 58

①Now people are eating more fruits.现在人们吃更多的水果。 58

②I refused to answer the question.我拒绝回答那个问题。 61

③Many people enjoy listening to light music.很多人喜欢听轻音乐。 64

④We read newspapers to learn the latest news.我们看报纸以便了解最近的消息。 67

⑤They are talking about their travel plah.他们正在谈论他们的旅行计划。 71

⑥My son has great interest in basktball.我儿子对篮球有极大的兴趣。 74

⑦The boy forgot which bus to take.那个男孩忘记了该乘哪路公共汽车。 78

⑧Please excuse my interrupting you.请原谅我打断了你的话。 82

CHAPTER4 主语+谓语+双宾语 87

①The mother gave the boy a sweater.那位母亲给她儿子一件毛线衣。 87

②I took it to the policeman.我把它交给警察了。 90

③I ll order it for you.我替你点菜。 94

④She often snends a lot of money on cosmetic.她常常花很多钱购买化妆品。 97

⑤He didn t show me how to use the computer.他并未教我怎要使用那台计算机。 101

CHAPTER5 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补 106

①Her classmates made her chairman of the Students Union.同学们选她当学生会主席。 106

②Most people regard him as a genius.大多数人认为他是个天才。 110

③They found the book quite in structive.他们发现这本书很有教益。 113

④Please make yourself at home.请随便一点。 116

⑤He wants his students to work independently.他要他的学生独立学习。 119

⑥She lets her children stay up vety late.她让孩子们呆到很晚才睡。 123

⑦Nancy kept me waiting for an hour.南希让我等了一个小时。 126

⑧I want the matter discussed at the meeting.我希望这件事能在会议上得到讨论。 129

⑨She had everybody fill out a form.她叫所有的人都填了表。 132

⑩We have got the program for our concert printed in time.我们已把我们音乐会的节目单找人及进印好了。 136

CHAPTER6 祈使句 141

①Let me do it all by myself.让我自己来干这件事吧? 141

②Tell me the truth!告诉我事实真相。 145

③Do tell me what happend.务必告诉我发生了什么。 149

④No smoking.禁止吸烟! 152

⑤Please give me your attention.请大家注意听我说件事。 155

⑥Will you help me with my suitcase?请帮我提一下箱子好吗? 158

⑦Do you mind shutting the door?关上门好不好? 162

⑧How about a cup of coffee?喝杯咖啡怎么样? 165

⑨You d better get some sleep.你最好还是睡一会儿。 168

⑩May you always be happy!祝你永远幸福! 172

11 Good luck to you!祝你好运! 175

CHAPTER7 感叹句 180

①What a nice day it is!多好的天气啊! 180

②What pretty clothes they are!多漂亮的衣服啊! 183

③What good news it is!多好的消息啊! 186

④How experienced the doctor is!这医生多有经验啊! 190

⑤How interesting a novel is!小说有趣极了! 193

⑥How fluently she speaks English!她说英语多流利啊! 196

⑦How time flies!时间过得真快啊! 199

⑧There goes the bell!铃响了! 202

⑨Alas! I am mined!哎呀,我完了! 205

⑩Such a beautiful voice!多么美的声音呀! 209

CHAPTEA8 疑问句 215

①Is your bag very heavy?你的包重吗? 215

②Do you have any plan for this Sunday?这星期天你有什么打算? 219

③Who is in charge here?这里谁负责? 223

④Who would have thought so?谁会想到这样呀? 226

⑤How many passengers can ride in one carrige?一部车子里能坐多少人? 229

⑥What is Star Wars?什么叫星球大战? 232

⑦What are you doing?你在干什么? 236

⑧When are you starting off?您什么时候启程? 239

⑨Why on earth do you tell a lie?*你究竟为什么要撒谎? 242

CHAPTER9 否定句 247

①I am not joking.我不是开玩笑。 247

②They may not go outing.他们可能不去郊游。 252

③I have forgotten how to do it.我忘记怎样做了。 255

④The young plants died from lack of water.这些幼苗因缺水而死。 259

⑤The student has been absent from class for two weeks.那位学生已缺课两星期了。 263

⑥Two of them are against our plan.他们当中有两个人反对我们的计划。 267

⑦The light is too weak to read by.光线太暗,我们无法看书。 271
