
实用英语 泛读教程 1 第2版pdf电子书版本下载

实用英语  泛读教程  1  第2版
  • 教育部《实用英语》教材编写组编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:7040084872
  • 出版时间:1995
  • 标注页数:100页
  • 文件大小:4MB
  • 文件页数:112页
  • 主题词:英语 阅读教学


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Passage A: The Successful Language Learner 1

Passage B: For Your Information (Speed Reading) 3

Passage C: Color 5

Passage A: Bring the Past to Life 7

Passage B: Rent Control (Speed Reading) 9

Passage C: The Population of the United States 11

Passage A: The Problems of International Trade 14

Passage B: Your Money (Speed Reading) 16

Passage C: My Bank Account 18

Passage A: Being on Time 22

Passage B: Polite or Rude (Speed Reading) 24

Passage C: Parties 25

Passage A: Gesture 28

Passage B: Where Is the Beef? (Speed Reading) 30

Passage C: Best Teacher I Ever Had 32

Passage A: Equality of Opportunity and Competition 35

Passage B: How to Shine at an Interview (Speed Reading) 38

Passage C: Where There s a Will, There Is a Way 40

Passage A: Children Often Do Humorous Things 43

Passage B: Long-term Memory (Speed Reading) 46

Passage C: Steps to the Future 47

Passage A: How Unsafe Is It? 50

Passage B: A Working Relationship (Speed Reading) 53

Passage C: A Special Physical Examination 55

Passage A: Communications of the Future 58

Passage B: High Tech and State of the Art (Speed Reading) 62

Passage C: What s So Good About the Information Age? 63

Passage A: Protection for Consumers in USA 67

Passage B: Getaway People Use XYZ Petrol (Speed Reading) 70

Passage C: Scan This Web Site 72

Glossary 74

Key to the Exercises 97
