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Part One Foundations of Nutrition 3

Chapter 1 The Study of Nutrition 3

A World View of Nutrition and Health 5

Population Expansion and Food Supply 5

Major U.S.Health Problems 6

The Team Approach to Health Care 8

Changing Concepts of Health and Disease 8

Human Values 8

Social Influences 9

Effects of Change on Health Care Practices 11

The Study of Nutrition in Education for the Health Professions 13

Plan of Study 13

Tools for Study 15

Results of this Approach to the Study of Nutrition 16

To Sum Up 17

Questions for Review 17

Issues and Answers If You’re Not Healthy,It’s Your Own Fault! 19

Chapter 2 Carbohydrates 21

The Nature of Carbohydrates 23

Definition 23

Classification 24

Dietary Fiber 29

Types of Fiber 30

Physiologic Effects 32

Current Research and Popular Practices 32

Dietary Recommendations 34

Functions of Carbohydrate 34

Energy 34

Special Functions of Carbohydrates in Body Tissues 35

Digestion of Carbohydrate 36

Mouth 36

Stomach 36

Small Intestine 36

Absorption of Carbohydrate 37

Metabolism of Carbohydrate 37

To Sum Up 40

Questions for Review 40

Issues and Answers The Sugar Phobia Syndrome 42

Issues and Answers Inequality of Carbohydrates:The Glycemic Index 45

Issues and Answers Hypoglycemia 48

Chapter 3 Lipids 51

Health Needs for Fat 53

Body Fats 53

Food Fats 53

Health Problems with Fat 53

The Nature of Lipids 54

Fatty Acids 54

Triglycerides 59

Common Chemical Reactions of Fats 62

Cholesterol 64

Compound Lipids 66

Lipoproteins 67

Digestion of Fats 68

Mechanical Digestion 68

Chemical Digestion 68

Absorption of Fats, 69

Initial Fat Absorption 69

Second Stage of Fat Absorption Within the Intestinal Wall 70

Final Absorption and Transport of Fat 70

To Sum Up 71

Questions for Review 71

Issues and Answers The Dietary Fat Controversy 73

Chapter 4 Proteins 77

The Nature of Amino Acids 79

General Pattern and Specific Structures 79

The Building of Proteins 82

Peptide Linkage 82

Arrangement of Peptide Chains 83

Types of Protein 83

Functions of Protein 85

Growth and Tissue Maintenance 85

Specific Physiologic Roles 85

Available Energy 85

Digestion of Protein 86

Mechanical Digestion 86

Chemical Digestion 86

Absorption of Protein 87

Active Transport System 87

Pyridoxine(Vitamin B6)Cofactor 87

Competition for Absorption 88

Absorption of Peptides and Whole Proteins 88

Metabolism of Protein 88

The Concept of Balance 88

Protein Requirements 90

Function of Dietary Protein 90

Metabolism of Protein and Amino Acids 90

Digestibility Factor 91

Other Factors Affecting Requirement 91

Measure of Protein Requirements 92

To Sum Up 96

Questions For Review 96

Issues and Answers The Vegetarian Revolution 98

Chapter 5 Energy Balance 101

Energy and Metabolism 103

The Concept of Change 103

Measurement of Energy 103

The Human Energy System 104

Energy Cycle 104

Energy Balance:Input and Ouptut 105

Energy Control in Human Metabolism 105

Controlled Energy System:Chemical Bonding 105

Controlled Reaction Rates 106

Types of Metabolic Reaction 107

Energy Expenditure 108

Basal Metabolic Needs 108

Food Intake Effect 111

Physical Activity Needs 111

Total Energy Requirements 111

To Sum Up 114

Questions for Review 114

Issues and Answers Energy Balance Studies and International Food Policy 116

Chapter 6 Fat-Soluble Vitamins 117

Vitamin A 119

Chemical and Physical Nature 119

Absorption 119

Physiologic Functions 121

Vitamin A Requirement 123

Food Sources of Vitamin A 124

Vitamin D 124

Chemical and Physical Nature 124

Absorption 124

Synthesis 124

Physiologic Functions 125

Vitamin D Requirement 126

Food Sources of Vitamin D 127

Vitamin E 127

Chemical and Physical Nature 127

Absorption 130

Physiologic Functions 130

Vitamin E Requirement 130

Food Sources of Vitamin E 130

Vitamin K 130

Chemical and Physical Nature 130

Absorption 131

Physiologic Function 131

Vitamin K Requirement 133

Food Sources of Vitamin K 133

To Sum Up 134

Questions for Review 134

Issues and Answers Vitamin A Megadoses:Boon or Bust? 136

Chapter 7 Water-Soluble Vitamins 137

Thiamin 139

Physiologic Function:Coenzyme Function 140

Clinical Effects of Thiamin Deficiency 140

Thiamin Requirement 140

Food Sources of Thiamin 141

Riboflavin 141

Physiologic Functions 141

Clinical Effects of Riboflavin Deficiency 141

Riboflavin Requirement 142

Food Sources of Riboflavin 142

Niacin 142

Physiologic Functions 142

Clinical Effects of Niacin Deficiency 143

Niacin Requirement 143

Food Sources of Niacin 143

Pyridoxine(B6) 143

Physiologic Functions 144

Clinical Effects of Pyridoxine Deficiency 144

Pyridoxine Requirement 145

Food Sources of Pyridoxine 145

Pantothenic Acid 145

Physiologic Functions 145

Pantothenic Acid Requirement 147

Food Sources of Pantothenic Acid 147

Biotin 147

Physiologic Functions 148

Biotin Requirement 148

Food Sources of Biotin 148

Folic Acid 148

Physiologic Functions 148

Clinical Problems 149

Folic Acid Requirement 149

Food Sources of Folic Acid 149

Cobalamin(B12) 149

Physiologic Functions 150

Clinical Problems 150

Cobalamin Requirement 150

Food Sources of Cobalamin 151

Ascorbic Acid(Vitamin C) 152

Physiologic Functions 152

Clinical Problems 155

Vitamin C Requirement 156

Food Sources of Vitamin C 156

Related Factors 157

Lipoic Acid 157

Choline 157

Bioflavonoids 157

To Sum Up 158

Questions for Review 158

Issues and Answers Vitamin C:Wonder Drug of the ’80s? 160

Chapter 8 Minerals 163

Major Minerals 165

Calcium 165

Phosphorus 172

Magnesium 174

Sodium 175

Potassium 176

Chlorine(Chloride) 178

Sulfur 182

Trace Elements 183

The Concept of Essentiality 183

Essential Function 183

Deficiency and Requirement 185

Iron 186

Iodine 190

Zinc 193

Copper 196

Manganese 198

Chromium 199

Cobalt 200

Selenium 200

Molybdenum 201

Fluorine 202

Probable Essentiality 203

Silicon 203

Vanadium 203

Nickel 204

Tin 204

Cadmium 204

Arsenic 206

Aluminum 206

Boron 206

To Sum Up 207

Questions for Review 207

Issues and Answers Guidelines for Trace Element Supplementation 209

Chapter 9 Water and Electrolytes 213

Water-Electrolyte Balance 215

Body Water Distribution 215

Overall Water Balance:Intake and Output 215

Forces Influencing Water Distribution 217

Electrolytes in Water Balance 220

Gastrointestinal Circulation 225

Renal Circulation 226

Clinical Problems 228

Acid-Base Buffer System 230

Acids and Bases 230

Buffers 232

Roles of the Lungs and Kidneys 233

Acidosis and Alkalosis 234

To Sum Up 237

Questions for Review 237

Issues and Answers Principles of Oral Rehydration Therapy 239

Chapter 10 Digestion,Absorption,and Metabolism 241

Digestion 243

Basic Principles of Digestion 243

Digestion in the Mouth and Esophagus 244

Digestion in the Stomach 246

Digestion in the Small Intestine 247

Absorption 252

Absorption in the Small Intestine 252

Absorption in the Large Intestine(colon) 254

Metabolism 257

Carbohydrate Metabolism 257

Lipid Metabolism 261

Metabolism of Cholesterol 262

Protein Metabolism 263

Interrelationships 267

To Sum Up 268

Questions for Review 268

Issues and AnswersLactose Intolerance:A Case Against Milk Subsidy Programs? 269

Part Two Applied Nutrition in Community HealthChapter 11 Food Habits:Personal Beliefs and Social Influences 273

Cultural Influences 275

Concept of Culture 275

Food in a Culture 275

Social Influences 276

Concept of Social Organization 276

Food and Social Factors 277

Psychologic Influences 277

Social Psychology:Understanding Dietary Patterns 277

Food and Psychologic Factors 277

Current Confusions Influencing Food Habits 278

Food Misinformation 278

Food Faddist Claims 280

Dangers of Food Fads 280

Groups Vulnerable to Food Faddism 281

What is the Answer? 281

Food Safety 282

Control Agencies 285

Changes in Food Habits 288

Determinants of Food Choice 288

Westernization in the Third World 289

Recent Immigrants 290

Changes in American Food Patterns 293

To Sum Up 296

Questions for Review 296

Issues and AnswersProposed Changes in FDA Regulations:The Hatch Bill 299

Chapter 12 Family Nutrition Counseling and Education:Food Needs and Costs 301

Family Nutrition Counseling 303

Focus:Personal Needs and Goals 303

Methods:Nutrition History and Analysis 303

Plan of Care 303

The Teaching-Learning Process 304

Aspects of Human Personality Involved in Learning 304

Principles of Learning 305

Nutrition Counseling in the Health Care Facility 307

Instructor Qualifications 310

Food Assistance Programs 311

Commodity Distribution Program 311

Food Stamp Program 312

Child Nutrition Programs 313

Nutrition Program for Elderly Persons 315

Food Buying Guides 316

USDA Food Plans 316

Family Food Costs 317

The Best Food Buys 319

Additional Resources 322

To Sum Up 323

Questions for Review 323

Issues and Answers Person-Centered Diabetes Education 324

Chapter 13 Nutritional Deficiency Diseases 327

Malnutrition:World Health Problem 329

Hungry People:The Extent of Malnutrition 329

The Ecology of Malnutrition 330

Force of Interrelated Factors 330

Malnutrition Syndromes 331

Protein-Energy Malnutrition(PEM) 331

Nutritional Anemias 335

Hypovitaminosis A 338

Endemic Goiter 339

Other Vitamin Defiency Diseases 340

Other Mineral Defiency Diseases 344

Methods of Combating Malnutrition 346

Requirements for Solution of the Malnutrition Problem 346

To Sum Up 347

Questions for Review 347

Case Study The Story of Kokumo 349

Issues and Answers The Far-Reaching Personal and Social Functional Consequences of Malnutrition 350

Part Three Nutrition in Health Care Throughout the Life Cycle 355

Chapter 14 Nutrition During Pregnancy and Lactation 355

Nutrition and the Outcome of Pregnancy 357

Background for Change 357

Determinants of Nutritional Needs 357

Basic Concepts Involved 357

Maternal Nutrition 358

Physiology of Gestation 358

Maternal Nutrient Needs 363

Dietary Patterns:General and Alternative 366

General Dietary Problems 367

Functional Gastrointestinal Problems 367

Weight Gain During Pregnancy 367

High-Risk Mothers and Infants 370

Complications of Pregnancy 371

Anemia 371

Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension(PIH) 372

Clinical Conditions 373

Nutrition During Lactation 374

Nutritional Needs 375

To Sum Up 380

Questions for Review 380

Case Study A Baby for the Delgados 382

Issues and Answers Drug Use and the Outcome of Pregnancy 383

Chapter 15 Nutrition for Growth and Development:Infancy,Childhood,and Adolescence 385

Growth and Development 387

Normal Life Cycle Growth Pattern 387

Physical Growth 387

Mental and Psychosocial Growth 388

Nutritional Requirements 389

Energy Needs 389

Protein 389

Water 389

Minerals and Vitamins 389

Age-group Needs 391

The Stages of Human Growth 391

Infancy:Birth to 1 Year 392

Childhood 400

Adolescence:12 to 18 Years 406

To Sum Up 410

Questions for Review 410

Case Study A Nutrition Education Program for Adolescents 412

Issues and Answers Feeding the Premature Infant 413

Chapter 16 Nutrition for the Aging and the Aged 417

Aging in America 419

Psychosocial Development in Adulthood 419

Socioeconomic and Psychologic Factors 419

The Aging Process 422

Biologic Changes 422

Individuality of the Aging Process 422

Nutritional Needs 423

Energy 423

Protein 424

Vitamins 424

Minerals 425

The Question of Nutrient Supplementation 425

Clinical Needs 425

Malnutrition 425

Weight Management 426

Community Resources 427

Government Programs for Older Americans 427

Professional Organizations and Resources 428

To Sum Up 429

Questions for Review 429

Case Study The Patient With Congestive Heart Failure 430

Issues and Answers Can We Eat to Live Forever? 431

Chapter 17 Nutrition and Physical Fitness 433

Energy Sources for Physical Activity 435

Muscle Action 435

Fuel Sources for Muscle Action 436

Oxygen Use and Physical Capacity 437

Diet and Exercise 439

General Nutrient Needs 439

Exercise and Energy 442

Nutrition and Athletic Performance 442

Athletes and Coaches:A Vulnerable Group 442

Hvdration:Water and Electrolytes 443

Building a Personal Exercise Program 445

Health Benefits 445

Assessment of Condition and Exercise Needs 445

Types of Physical Activity 446

Preparation for Exercise 447

To Sum Up 448

Questions for Review 448

Issues and Answers The Winning Edge—Or Over the Edge? 450

Chapter 18 Nutrition and Weight Management 453

Body Composition:Fatness and Leanness 455

Meanings and Methods 455

Obesity and Health 456

Social Images:Fear of Fatness 457

Thinness 457

Fatness 458

Effects of Thin-Fat Images 458

Physical Fitness:A New Health Image 458

The Problem of Weight Management 460

Individual Variances 460

Extreme Approaches 460

Etiology of Obesity 461

Some Possible Answers and a Dilemma 465

The Set-Point Theory 465

Genetic Evolution 466

How to Change the Set-Point 466

The Health Model:A Positive,Personal Approach 467

General Components 467

Behavioral Aspects 469

Principles of a Sound Food Plan 469

Preventive Approach 474

To Sum Up 475

Questions for Review 475

Case Study The Obese Patient With Hypertension 477

Issues and Answers The Use and Abuse of Height-Weight Tables 479

Part Four Nutrition and Clinical Care 485

Chapter 19 Nutritional Assessment and Therapy in Patient Care 485

The Therapeutic Process 487

Focus of Care 487

Phases of the Care Process 487

Nutritional Assessment 488

Anthropometric Measures 488

Biochemical Tests 492

Clinical Observations 493

Diet Evaluation 495

Analysis and Initial Planning 496

The Problem-Oriented Medical Record 497

Planning and Implementing Nutritional Care 500

Some Basic Concepts 500

Managing the Mode of Feeding 500

Evaluation:Quality Patient Care 501

General Considerations 501

Quality Patient Care 501

Role of the Nurse 501

To Sum Up 503

Questions for Review 503

Case Study Nutritional Assessment and Therapy for a Patient with Cancer 505

Issues and Answers “How Much Should I Weigh?”:A Summary of Methods of Measuring Body Fat 506

Chapter 20 Drug-Nutrient Interaction 509

Drug-Nutrient Problems in Modern Medicine 511

Elderly Persons at Risk 511

Effects of Drugs on Food and Nutrients 511

Drug Effects on Food Intake 511

Drug Effects on Nutrient Absorption and Metabolism 513

Effects of Food and Nutrients on Drugs 517

Food Effects on Drug Absorption 517

Food Effects on Drug Distribution and Metabolism 518

Vitamin Effects on Drug Action 520

To Sum Up 521

Questions for Review 521

Issues and Answers The Calming of America? 523

Chapter 21 Nutritional Therapy in Diseases of Infancy and Childhood 525

The Hospitalized Infant and Child 527

Basic Needs of the Hospitalized Child 527

Plans for Nutritional Care of the Hospitalized Child 528

Special Infant Needs 530

Gastrointestinal Problems of Infancy and Childhood 532

General Functional Disturbances 532

Infantile Diarrhea 533

Celiac Malabsorption Syndrome 533

Cleft Palate and Cleft Lip 538

Genetic Disease 538

Genetic Inheritance Concept 538

Genetic Control 542

Phenylketonuria(PKU) 542

Other Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism 545

Galactosemia 546

Lactose Intolerance 547

Type I,Insulin-Dependent,Diabetes Mellitus 549

Childhood Food Allergies 549

Underlying Etiology 549

Common Food Allergens 549

Dietary Management 550

Family Education 550

Weight Management in Children 551

Background Concerns 551

Causes of Excessive Weight 553

Food Practices During Growth Years 554

Dental Caries 554

Incidence 554

Etiology 554

Dietary Implications 556

To Sum Up 557

Questions for Review 557

Case Study The Adolescent with Cystic Fibrosis 558

Case Study The Child with Phenylketonuria(PKU) 559

Issues and Answers Preventing Malnutrition in the Pediatric Ward 560

Chapter 22 Diabetes Mellitus 563

The Nature of Diabetes 565

Contributing Causes 565

Classification 567

The Metabolic Pattern of Diabetes 568

Normal Blood Sugar Controls 568

Regulatory Pancreatic Hormones 568

Metabolic Changes in Diabetes 570

General Management of Diabetes 570

Diagnosis 570

Treatment Objectives 571

Principles of Nutritional Therapy 571

Care of Type Ⅰ,Insulin-Dependent,Diabetes Mellitus 571

Care of Type Ⅱ,Non-Insulin-Dependent,Diabetes Mellitus 579

Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young 580

Special Diet Concerns 580

Diet Planning with Food Exchanges 581

Planning an Individual Food Pattern 581

Planning for Special Needs 584

Diabetes Education Program 585

Goal:Person-Centered Self-Care 585

Content:Tools for Self-Care 587

Educational Materials:Person-Centered Standards 587

Future Trends in Diabetes Care 588

New lnsulins 588

Insulin Delivery Systems 588

Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring Technique 588

To Sum Up 591

Questions for Review 591

Case Study The Patient with Type I,Insulin-Dependent,Diabetes Mellitus 593

Issues and Answers Can I Use Fructose in My Diabetic Diet? 594

Issues and Answers Alcohol and Diabetes:Do They Mix? 595

Chapter 23 Gastrointestinal Diseases 597

Esophageal Problems 599

Reflux Esophagitis 599

Hiatal Hernia 599

Diverticula 600

Peptic Ulcer Disease 601

Incidence 601

Etiology 601

Symptoms and Management 602

Dietary Management 602

Intestinal Diseases 606

General Functional Disorders 606

Organic Diseases 606

To Sum Up 613

Questions for Review 613

Case Study The Patient with Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome 615

Case Study The Patient with an Ulcer 616

Issues and Answers Nutritional Aspects of Diarrhea 617

Chapter 24 Diseases of the Liver and Gallbladder 619

Metabolic Functions of the Liver 621

Carbohydrate Metabolism 621

Fat Metabolism 621

Protein Metabolism 621

Other Related Functions 621

Diseases of the Liver 621

Hepatitis 621

Cirrhosis 625

Hepatic Encephalopathy 627

Diseases of the Gallbladder 628

Functions of the Gallbladder 628

Cholecystitis and Cholelithiasis 629

To Sum Up 632

Questions for Review 632

Case Study The Patient with Infectious Hepatitis 633

Case Study The Patient with Cirrhosis 634

Issues and Answers Nutritional Management of the Alcoholic Patient 635

Chapter 25 Coronary Heart Disease and Hypertension 637

Coronary Heart Disease 639

The Problem of Atherosclerosis 639

Functional Classification of Lipid Disorders 644

Acute Cardiovascular Disease 649

Chronic Coronary Heart Disease 649

Essential Hypertension 652

The Problem of Hypertension 652

Blood Pressure Controls 653

Principles of Nutritional Therapy 655

Coronary Heart Disease and Cardiac Edema 655

Hypertension 656

Food Plan 658

Education and Prevention 660

Coronary Heart Disease 660

Hypertension 660

To Sum Up 662

Questions for Review 662

Case Study The Patient with Myocardial Infarction 665

Issues and Answers Is Calcium a New Risk Factor in Hypertension Control? 666

Issues and Answers Dietary Fats:How Much is Not Enough? 668

Chapter 26 Renal Disease 671

Physiology of the Kidney 673

Basic Renal Functions 673

Renal Function in Disease 674

Glomerulonephritis 675

Etiology 675

Clinical Symptoms 676

Nutritional Therapy 676

Nephrotic Syndrome 677

Etiology 677

Clinical Symptoms 677

Nutritional Therapy 677

Acute Renal Failure 678

Etiology 678

Clinical Symptoms 678

Nutritional Therapy 679

Chronic Renal Failure 680

Etiology 680

Clinical Symptoms 680

Nutritional Therapy 682

Renal Calculi 690

Etiology 690

Clinical Symptoms 693

Treatment 693

Nutritional Therapy 693

Urinary Tract Infection 700

Etiology 700

Treatment 700

To Sum Up 701

Questions for Review 701

Case Study The Patient with Chronic Renal Failure 703

Case Study The Patient with Renal Calculi 705

Issues and Answers Renal Disease:Technology vs the Quality of Your Life 706

Chapter 27 Nutrition and Surgery 709

Nutritional Needs of General Surgery Patients 711

Preoperative Nutrition 711

Postoperative Nutrition 711

General Dietary Management 713

Special Nutritional Needs for Head and Neck/Gastrointestinal Surgery Patients 714

Head and Neck Surgery 714

Gastric Resection 717

Cholecystectomy 720

Ileostomy and Colostomy 720

Rectal Surgery 723

Burns:Special Nutritional Needs 723

Nutritional Support Base 723

Stages of Nutritional Care 724

Total Parenteral Nutrition:Care of the Malnourished or Hypermetabolic Patient 727

TPN Development 727

Indications for TPN Use 727

Basic Rules for TPN Use 728

Nutritional Assessment 729

Nutrition Requirements:TPN Prescription 731

Preparation of TPN Solutions 735

Administration of TPN 737

Home TPN for Long-Term Use 737

To Sum Up 738

Questions for Review 738

Case Study The Patient with Gastrectomy 740

Case Study The Patient with Burns 741

Issues and Answers The Challenge of Long-Term TPN Therapy 742

Chapter 28 Nutrition and Cancer 745

Cancer Pathogenesis and Nutrition 747

The Cancer Cell 747

The Body’s Defense System 751

Cancer Therapy and Nutrition 753

Surgery 753

Radiation 753

Chemotherapy 754

Nutritional Therapy and Cancer 756

Problems Related to the Disease Process 756

Problems Related to Cancer Treatment 758

Principles of Nutritional Therapy for Cancer 758

Nutritional Needs 761

Nutritional Management and Cancer 762

Enteral:Oral Diet and Nutrient Supplementation 763

Enteral:Tube Feeding 766

Parenteral Feeding 768

To Sum Up 770

Questions for Review 770

Case Study The Patient with Cancer 772

Issues and Answers Dietary Guidelines for Cancer Prevention 773

Chapter 29 Nutrition in Rehabilitation 777

Rehabilitation Care:Goals and Methods 779

Goals of Rehabilitation 779

Methods:The Team Approach in Rehabilitation 779

Socioeconomic and Psychologic Factors in Rehabilitation 779

Social Attitudes 779

Economic Problems 780

Living Situations 780

Psychologic Barriers 781

Special Needs of Older Disabled Persons 781

U.S.Population Changes and Disability 781

Types of Rehabilitation Needs for the Elderly 781

Independent Living Rehabilitation 782

Personal Assessment of Needs 782

Basic Principles of Nutritional Care in Rehabilitation 783

Prevention of Malnutrition 783

Restoration of Eating Ability 784

Conditions Involving Eating Disabilities 784

Limitations in Range of Motion 784

Muscular Weakness 785

Muscular Incoordination 786

One-Handedness 786

Activities of Daily Living:Food and Eating in Rehabilitation 786

Principles of Nutritional Assessment 786

Self-Help Devices 787

The Learning Process 790

Clinical Problems in Rehabilitation 792

Elimination 792

Renal Calculi 793

Obesity 794

To Sum Up 795

Questions for Review 795

Case Study The Patient with a Cerebrovascular Accident(CVA) 796

Issues and Answers Independent Living vs the Kindness of Strangers 797

Chapter 30 Nutrition and Mental Health 799

Mental Health Care 801

Goals and Methods 801

Socioeconomic and Psychologic Factors 801

Nutrition in Mental Health Care 802

Mental Health Care Facilities 802

Levels of Wellness 802

Goals of Nutritional Care 803

Food as a Therapeutic Tool 803

Feeding Problems 804

Nutrition and Brain Function 805

Central Nervous System 805

Clinical Problems 808

Behavioral Problems 808

Eating Disorders 809

Alcoholism 813

Mental Retardation 815

Delirium and Coma 815

Epilepsy 816

Organic Brain Syndrome 816

To Sum Up 817

Questions for Review 817

Case Study The Patient with Psychiatric Problems 819

Issues and Answers Precursor Therapy:Nutrient or Drug? 820

Chapter 31 Computers in Management of Nutrition Practice 821

What Computers Can and Can’t Do 823

General Information Management 823

Basic Computer System Development 823

The Human Factor 826

Computer Applications in Nutrition Practice 827

Computer System Development 828

Clinical Nutrition:Patient Care in the Hospital Setting 828

Community Nutrition:Private Practice and Public Health 830

Nutrition Education 831

Nutrition Research 835

To Sum Up 837

Questions for Review 837

Issues and Answers Broadening Computer Applications in Nutrition 839

Appendixes 841

A Nutritive Values of the Edible Part of Foods 842

B Amino Acid Content of Foods,100 g,Edible Portion 876

C Fatty Acid Content of Common Vegetable Oils 883

D Relative Ratios of Polyunsaturated Fat and Saturated Fat(P/S Ratio)in Representative Foods 883

E Cholesterol Content of Foods 884

F Dietary Fiber in Selected Plant Foods 885

G Sodium and Potassium Content of Foods,100g,Edible Portion 887

H Sodium Levels in Mineral Waters 898

I Sodium Levels in Popular Soft Drinks 898

J Sodium Content of Popular Condiments,Fats,and Oils 899

K Salt-Free Seasoning Guide 900

L Caffeine Content of Common Beverages and Drugs 901

M Composition of Beverages:Alcoholic and Carbonated Nonalcoholic(per 100 g) 901

N Kilocalorie Values of Some Common Snack Foods 902

O Nutritional Analyses of Fast Foods 904

P Water and Electrolyte Balance Problems:Answers to Chapter 9 Questions for Review 909

Q Physical Growth NCHS Percentiles 910

R Mid-Upper-Arm Circumference Percentiles(cm) 918

S Triceps Skinfold Percentiles(mm) 919

T Mid-Upper-Arm Muscle Circumference Percentiles(cm) 920

U Normal Constituents of the Blood in the Adult 921

V Normal Constituents of the Urine of the Adult 923

W Food Guide:Exchange Lists for Meal Planning 924

X Tools for Calculating Diets and Planning Meals for Children with Phenylketonuria 929

Y Calculation Aids and Conversion Tables 937

Z Nutrition and Rehabilitation References and Resources 939

Glossary,G1 945

References,R1 965
