

  • 陆志宝主编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:旅游教育出版社
  • ISBN:756371104X
  • 出版时间:2003
  • 标注页数:250页
  • 文件大小:6MB
  • 文件页数:262页
  • 主题词:导游-英语


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Lesson 1 China(中国概况) 3


Lesson 2 Modern Society of China(现代中国社会) 8

A.Economic Reform and Open-door Policy(改革开放) 8

B.Population Control and Ageing Society(人口控制和老年社会) 11

C.Education and Public Health(文教卫生) 14

D.Agriculture(农业) 18

E.Housing(住房) 21

F.Military Service(兵役制) 23

G.Women(妇女) 24

H.Environmental Protection(环境保护) 26

A.The Spring Festival(春节) 28

Lesson 3 Traditional Chinese Festivals(中国传统节日) 28

B.The Lantern Festival(元宵节) 29

C.The Dragon Boat Festival(端午节) 30

D.The Mid-autumn Festival(中秋节) 31

Lesson 4 Minority Nationalities(少数民族) 33

Lesson 5 Major Religions in China(中国的主要宗教) 37

A.Buddhism(佛教) 38

B.Daoism(道教) 44

C.Islam(伊斯兰教) 46

D.Christianity(基督教) 48

A.Confucius and Confucianism(孔夫子与儒家) 55

Lesson 6 Confucianism and Daoism(儒家和道家) 55

B.Daoism(道家) 58

Lesson 7 Chinese Cuisine(中国烹饪) 62

A.Eight Distinct Regional Cuisine(八大菜系) 62

B.The Art of Chinese Cooking(中式烹饪艺术) 66

C.Two Famous Dishes(两道名菜) 69

Lesson 8 Tea and Silk(茶叶与丝绸) 73

A.Tea(茶) 73

B.Silk,Silkworm-breeding and the Silk Road(丝绸、养蚕和丝绸之路) 75

Lesson 9 Arts and Crafts(工艺品) 81

A.Arts and Crafts(工艺品) 81

B.Celadon(瓷器) 84

Lesson 10 Beijing Opera and Chinese Acrobatics(京剧和杂技) 88

A.Beijing Opera(京剧) 88

B.Chinese Acrobatics(杂技) 92

Lesson 11 Chinese Painting,Calligraphy and Seal-cutting(国画、书法和篆刻) 97

A.Chinese Traditional Painting(中国传统绘画) 97

B.Calligraphy(书法) 100

C.Seal-cutting(篆刻) 102

Lesson 12 Wushu and Qigong(武术和气功) 105

A.Wushu(武术) 105

B.Qigong(气功) 108

A.Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology(中医和中药) 112

Lesson 13 Traditional Chinese Medicine(中国传统医药) 112

B.Acupuncture and Moxibustion(针炙和艾炙) 115

Lesson 14 Ancient Chinese Architecture and Garden(中国古代建筑与园林) 118

A.Architecture in Ancient China(中国古代建筑艺术) 118

B.Chinese Garden(中国园林) 121

PART TWO:SCENIC SPOTS(第二部分:景点介绍) 127

Lesson 1 The Great Wall(长城) 127

Lesson 2 The Palace Museum(故宫) 133

Lesson 3 Dingling Mausoleum-AnUnderground Museum(地下宫殿——定陵) 140

Lesson 4 The Summer Palace(颐和园) 145

Lesson 5 Beijing's Hutong(北京胡同) 151

Lesson 6 Guilin(桂林) 154

Lesson 7 Dunhuang Grottoes(敦煌石窟) 158

Lesson 8 Suzhou with its Gardens(苏州和园林) 162

Lesson 9 The Terra-cotta legions Buried Two Millennium Ago(二千年之前的兵马俑) 166

Lesson 10 Huangshan Mountain(黄山) 170

Lesson 11 Yangtze Gorges(长江三峡) 173

Lesson 12 Land Full of Stunning Sights and Rich Culture(文化灿烂、景色迷人的地方) 176

Lesson 13 Yunnan's Lijiang(云南丽江) 180

Lesson 14 Hangzhou's West Lake(杭州西湖) 184

Lesson 15 Shanghai's Bund and Pudong(上海外滩与浦东) 188

Lesson 1 Meeting the Guest at the Airport(机场迎接) 195


Lesson 2 Welcome Speech(欢迎词) 197

Lesson 3 Talking about the Itinerary(讨论日程安排) 199

Lesson 4 Talking about the Chinese Money(解说中国钱币) 202

Lesson 5 Chatting in a Crowded Shanghai Restaurant(在上海一家餐馆里聊天) 204

Lesson 6 Repairing(修理用品) 206

Lesson 7 Telephoning(打电话) 208

Lesson 8 Checking In(办理入住) 210

Lesson 9 Shopping for Traditional Chinese Paintings(购买中国国画) 212

Lesson 10 Arranging Special Food(安排特别的饮食) 214

Lesson 11 Shopping for Kodak Films(购买柯达胶卷) 216

Lesson 12 Shopping for Carpets and Rugs(购买地毯和毛毯) 218

Lesson 13 Checking Out(结账退房) 220

Lesson 14 Buying Tickets(购买机票) 223

Lesson 15 At the Barber's(在理发馆) 224

Lesson 16 Seeing a Doctor(看病) 227

Lesson 17 Cantonese Cooking(广东菜) 229

Lesson 18 Inquiring about Customs Regulations(询问海关规定) 232

Lesson 19 A Talk with the Hotel Manager(与饭店经理的一席谈话) 235

Lesson 20 What Drinks Do the Americans Like?(美国人爱喝什么酒?) 238

Lesson 21 Farewell Speech(欢送词) 241

Appendix: Using Simple Verbs in Expressing Ideas(在导游中可用的简单的动词) 243

参考书目 250
