- 创想外语研发团队编著 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国纺织出版社
- ISBN:9787518019656
- 出版时间:2016
- 标注页数:658页
- 文件大小:40MB
- 文件页数:666页
- 主题词:英语-短语-自学参考资料
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Aa a bit(of)~attract one'S attention 1
Bb back and forth~by this means 63
Cc call a taxi~cut up 159
Dd daily goods~drop in on sb. 197
Ee eager for~export to 227
Ff face to face~from cover to cover 235
Gg gain in~grow out of 267
Hh had better~hurt one's feelings 299
Ii ignorant of~invisible to 337
Jj jealous of~join in 389
Kk keep an eye on~knock out 392
Ll lay off~look through 402
Mm mad about/on~my treat 429
Nn narrow escape~now that 451
Oo of course~over and over(again) 462
Pp pass away~put up with 494
Qq quarrel about~quite a number of 529
Rr rain cats and dogs~rush out 533
Ss safe and sound~switch off 554
Tt take(an active)part in~turn up 592
Uu under Control~used to do 640
Ww wait for sb.(to do)~write down 644
Yy year after year~You'd better do sth. 656