- 廖瑛主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
- ISBN:9787566304766
- 出版时间:2012
- 标注页数:166页
- 文件大小:43MB
- 文件页数:180页
- 主题词:国际商务-英语-高等学校-教材
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Chapter 1 A Brief Introduction to International Business 1
1. What Is Business? 1
2.What Is International Business? 2
3. The Scope of International Business Activities 2
4. International Risk 4
5. International Business Law 4
6. Commercial Credit 6
7. Management of International Business 8
8. A Brief Introduction to the WTO 9
Chapter 2 Business Organizations 15
1. Introduction 15
2. Sole Proprietorship 15
3. General Partnership 16
4. Limited Partnership 18
5. Joint Stock Company 18
6. Corporations 19
7. Transnational Corporations 21
Chapter3 Ways of Business 29
1. Introduction 29
2. Wholesaling 29
3. Retailing 31
4. Franchising 32
5. Agency 35
6. E-commerce 37
Chapter 4 A Guide to Economics 45
1. What Is Economics? 45
2. What Is Macroeconomics? 45
3. Monetary and Fiscal Policy 46
4. What Is Microeconomics? 47
5. The Demand Curve 47
6. The Supply Curve 48
7. The Equilibrium Price 48
8. Changes in Demand versus Changes in Quantity Demanded 49
9. Changes in Supply versus Changes in Quantity Supplied 49
Chapter 5 Types of Competition 53
1. Pure Competition 53
2. Monopolistic Competition 54
3. Oligopoly 54
4. Pure Monopoly 54
5. Competitive Risk Minimization 55
Chapter 6 The Market Economy 59
1. Market and Market Economy 59
2. Price 59
3. Supply and Demand 60
4. The Market Price 60
Chapter 7 A Brief Introduction to International Business Practices 65
1.Introduction 65
2. Preparatory Work 65
3. Business Negotiation 66
4. The Signing of a Contract 69
5. The Performance of an Export Contract 69
6. The Performance of an Import Contract 72
Chapter 8 International Trade Terms and Pricing Principles 77
1. Introduction 77
2. Definition of the Trade Terms in Incoterms 2010 80
3. How to Determine the Price for Imports and Exports 84
4. Selection of the Money of Account 85
5. Commission and Discount 85
6. Other Non-price Commercial Technical Terms 85
Chapter 9 Marketing 91
1. What Is Marketing? 91
2. The Marketing Concept 91
3. Marketing and Utility 92
4. The Target Market 93
5. The Industrial Market 93
6. Government and Institutional Markets 94
7. The Consumer Market 95
8. Classes of Consumer Goods 96
Chapter 10 The Marketing Mix &Product Promotion 101
1. The Marketing Mix 101
2. Product Planning 101
3. Pricing 102
4. Selecting the Market 102
5. Product Promotion 103
6. Advertising 103
7. Product Packaging 104
8. Breaking the Language Barriers 105
Chapter 11 International Payments &Settlements 109
1. Introduction 109
2. Credit Instruments 110
3. Bill of Exchange 112
4. Promissory Note and Cheque 117
5. Remittance 118
6. Terms and Methods of Payment in International Trade—Payment in Advance, Open Account Business, Factoring, Collection 120
7. Terms and Methods of Payment in Intemational Trade—Letters of Credit (L/C) 123
8. Guarantee 128
9. Documents 129
Chapter 12 Exchange Rate 137
1. Introduction 137
2. Direct Quotations and Indirect Quotations 137
3. Cross Rate 138
4. Spot Rate 139
5. Forward Rate 139
Chapter 13 Negotiation Strategies on International Business 145
1. Introduction 145
2. Preparations for Business Negotiation 146
3. The Notable Problem during the Process of Negotiation 147
4. The Impact of Cultural Differences on International Business Negotiations 149