英语常用同义词 近义词辨析词典pdf电子书版本下载

- 李长庚,曩洪汉编著 著
- 出版社: 上海:东华大学出版社
- ISBN:9787566900364
- 出版时间:2012
- 标注页数:552页
- 文件大小:136MB
- 文件页数:582页
- 主题词:英语-同义词词典
英语常用同义词 近义词辨析词典PDF格式电子书版下载
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A 1
1.abandon,give up,desert,quit,forsake,renounce,resign,abdicate,relinquish,waive 1
2.ability,capability,capacity,competence,faculty,talent,skill,aptitude 2
3.able,capable,competent,qualified 3
4.abolish,annul,extinguish,exterminate,extirpate,eradicate,obliterate,nullify,do away with 4
5.aboriginal,native 5
6.absorb,assimilate,take in 5
7.absorption,adsorption 6
8.abstain,refrain 6
9.abstract,summary 6
10.absurd,stupid,foolish,silly,ridiculous 7
11.abundant,rich,plentiful,ample 7
12.accelerate,quicken,hasten,speed up,pick up 8
13.accident,event,incident 8
14.accidental,casual,incidental 8
15.accompany,attend,escort,convoy 9
16.accomplish,complete,finish,go through with 9
17.activity,act,action,deed 10
18.adapt,adjust,fit,suit,match,accommodate 10
19.add,plus 11
20.adhere to,stick to,cling to,hold to 11
21.admire,honor,respect,esteem 11
22.admission,admittance 12
23.admit,confess,acknowledge,concede,recognize 12
24.admonish,reprove,rebuke,reprimand,reproach 13
25.advance,promote,forward,further 14
26.advantage,benefit,profit 14
27.adventure,venture 15
28.adverse,averse 15
29.advice,counsel,suggestion,proposal,recommendation 16
30.advise,persuade,convince,induce,prevail,dissuade 16
31.affair,business,concern,matter,thing 17
32.affect,influence,impress,touch,move,strike 18
33.afford,offer,give,donate,present 18
34.afraid,frightened,timid,terrified,fearful 19
35.after,behind 19
36.aggression,invasion 20
37.ago,before 20
38.agree,conform,harmonize,accord,correspond,coincide 20
39.agree,consent,assent 21
40.agreement,contract,pact,compact,treaty 22
41.alarm,warning,alert 22
42.alienate,estrange 23
43.alien,foreigner 24
44.alike,like 24
45.alive,living,live,lively 24
46.allowance,benefit,pension 25
47.allow,let,permit 26
48.all together,altogether 26
49.allusion,illusion,delusion,imagination,fancy,fantasy 27
50.ally,alliance,league,confederation,union 27
51.almost,nearly 28
52.aloud,loud,loudly 29
53.already,yet,still,as yet 30
54.alternate,alternative 30
55.alternative,choice,selection,preference,option,election 31
56.although,though,as,that,while 31
57.amend,mend,fix,repair,patch 32
58.amid,amidst,among,amongst 33
59.amount,sum,total 34
60.amuse,entertain,divert 34
61.and so on,and so forth,and the like,etc 34
62.anger,rage,fury,resentment,indignation,wrath 35
63.animal,beast,creature 35
64.annoy,bother,irritate,vex,provoke 36
65.answer,reply,respond,retort 36
66.appearance,look,aspect,countenance 37
67.appear,emerge,loom,show 37
68.appointment,engagement,date 38
69.approve,endorse,sanction,certify,ratify,confirm 38
70.apt,liable,prone 39
71.area,region,belt,zone,district,locality 40
72.arms,weapon,weaponry 40
73.army,force,troop 41
74.artificial,false,unnatural,unreal,synthetic 41
75.ascribe,attribute,credit,impute 42
76.ask,enquire/inquire,question,demand,solicit 42
77.aspect,respect 43
78.assume,presume,suppose 43
79.assure,ensure,insure,secure,guarantee,warrant 43
80.attach,add,affix,annex,fasten 44
81.attack,assail,assault,charge,beset,storm 45
82.attract,fascinate,charm,appeal,enchant,entrance 46
83.author,writer 47
84.avenge,revenge,retaliate,get even with 47
85.average,mean,medium,indifferent 47
86.avoid,escape,evade,elude,shun,avert 48
87.awkward,clumsy,bulky 49
B 50
88.bad,evil,ill,vicious,wicked 50
89.bald,bare,naked,nude 51
90.ball,dance,party 51
91.banish,exile,deport 51
92.bank,beach,coast,shore 52
93.base,basis,foundation,ground,groundwork 52
94.basic,fundamental,elementary,primary,underlying 53
95. beautiful, handsome, fair, lovely, pretty 53
96. because, as, since, for 54
97. begin, start, commence, initiate, inaugurate 55
98. behavior, conduct, manner 55
99. belief, faith, trust, confidence 55
100. believe, trust, confide, rely 56
10l. beside, besides 56
102. besides, except, but, save 57
103. big, large, great 59
104. blame, fault, guilt 59
105. blaze, flame, flare, flash, twinkle, spark 60
106. bloom, blossom, flower 60
107. blush, flush 61
108. boast, brag, crow 61
109. boil, simmer, seethe, stew 62
110. boring, monotonous, tedious, tiresome 63
111. borrow, lend, loan 63
112. boundary, border, frontier, limit, margin, edge, verge, rim, fringe,brink, bounds 64
113. brave, bold, courageous, heroic, valorous, undaunted, valiant,audacious 65
114. break, burst, crack, crush, crunch, fracture, smash 66
115. break, interval, pause 67
116. bright, brilliant, radiant 67
117. bring, fetch, take 68
118. build, construct, erect, establish, found, set up 68
119. bundle, bunch, cluster 69
120. business, industry, commerce, trade, traffic 69
121. busy, occupied, engaged 70
122. buy, purchase 71
C 72
123. call, summon, invite 72
124. calm, peaceful, quiet, still, serene, tranquil 72
125. capitol, capitol, capital 73
126. care, anxiety, concern, worry 73
127. careful, cautious, wary, prudent 73
128. carpet, rug, blanket 74
129. carry, bear 74
130. carry, convey, transport, transmit 74
131. catch, arrest, capture, apprehend, pick up 75
132. cause, reason, ground, occasion 76
133. cease, stop, pause, halt 76
134. certificate, qualification, diploma, credential 77
135. chance, opportunity, occasion, scope, break 77
136. change, alter, convert, modify, vary, transform 78
137. character, characteristic, feature, trait 79
138. charge, accuse, indict, prosecute, blame, complain 80
139. cheap, inexpensive, modest 80
140. cheat, deceive, fool, trick 81
141. chief, principal, main, leading, foremost, primary, prime 81
142. childish, childlike 82
143. choose, select, pick, elect, opt, single out 82
144. civil, polite, courteous 83
145. classic, classical 84
146. clean, cleanly 84
147. clear, clearly 85
148. client, customer 85
149. close, closely 85
150. cold, cool, chilly 86
151. collaborate, cooperate 86
152. collision, impact, crash 86
153. comfort, relief, ease, relaxation 87
154. comfort, solace, console 87
155. comfortable, cosy, restful 88
156. command, order, direct, instruct 88
157. commit, consign, entrust, confide, relegate 89
158. common, ordinary, general, usual 90
159. commotion, disturbance, ferment, riot, tumult, turbulence, turmoil, upheaval 90
160. compare, contrast 91
161. compatible, consistent 92
162. compensate, redeem, make up for 92
163. complement, supplement 93
164. complete, close, end, finish, conclude, terminate 93
165. complete, perfect 94
166. complex, complicated, intricate, involved 94
167. comply, conform, abide, observe, stand by 95
168. compose, make up, consist of, comprise, constitute 96
169. compute, calculate, count, reckon, figure 96
170. concentrate, focus, center 97
171. conclusive, decisive, definitive, determinative, determining 98
172. condemn, convict, sentence 99
173. conduct, direct, manage, control, steer 99
174. confirm, affirm, validate, verify, testify 100
175. conflict, fight, struggle, combat 100
176. conscious, aware, sensible, alert, awake 101
177. consider, deem, regard, account, reckon, count, treat 102
178. contact, touch 102
179. contain, hold, accommodate 103
180. contemporary, contemporaneous, simultaneous, synchronous, concurrent, coincident, concomitant 103
181. contend, scramble, contest 105
182. continual, continuous, constant, incessant, perpetual 105
183. contract, condense, compress, constrict, shrink 106
184. conversation, chat, dialogue, discussion, talk, discourse 107
185. cooperative, operative, operational 108
186. correct, accurate, exact, precise, right 108
187. correct, rectify, remedy, reform, revise, amend 109
188. costly, dear, expensive, invaluable, valuable, precious 109
189. country, nation, state 110
190. couple, pair, brace, yoke 111
191. cowardly, timid 111
192.cram,crowd,stuff,pack 111
193. crazy, insane, mad 112
194. create, compose, design, invent, devise, contrive 113
195. creep, crawl 113
196. crime, guilt, sin, offence, error, violation 114
197. cruel, brutal, fierce, ferocious, inhumane, savage, ruthless, vicious 114
198. cry, call, scream, shout, shriek, screech, yell 115
199. cry, sob, weep, break into tears, burst into tears 116
200. cultivate, raise, bring up, breed 116
201. cure, heal, treat, remedy, mend 117
202. curious, inquisitive 118
D 119
203. damp, wet, dank, moist, humid 119
204. danger, risk, hazard, peril 119
205. dangerous, hazardous, risky, perilous 120
206. dark, dim, dusky, gloomy, obscure, opaque 121
207. dead, deceased, departed, late, extinct, lifeless, inanimate 121
208. dear, dearly 122
209. decay, rot, spoil, decompose 122
210. decide, determine, resolve, settle, rule, conclude 123
211. declare, announce, proclaim, pronounce, publish 124
212. decline, refuse, reject, deny, rebuff, spurn, turn down 125
213. decorate, ornament, adorn, beautify, trim 125
214. decrease, lessen, diminish, reduce, dwindle, abate, subside 126
215. deep, deeply 127
216. deep, profound 128
217. defeat, conquer, beat, subdue, overcome, get over, tide over,surmount 128
218. defend, guard, protect, shield, preserve, safeguard 129
219. degrade, humble, humiliate 130
220. delay, defer, postpone, put off, suspend, detain, retard 130
221. delete, erase, omit, leave out 131
222. delicate, subtle, fine, dainty 132
223. demand, require, claim, request 132
224. dense, close, compact, thick 133
225. describe, depict, portray 134
226. desire, wish, want, long, yearn, crave 134
227. despair, hopelessness, desperation, disappointment, discouragement 135
228. despise, scorn, scoff, slight, disdain 136
229. destroy, ruin, damage 137
230. die, kill, perish 138
231. different, diverse, divergent, distinct, various 138
232. dig, excavate, delve 139
233. diligent, industrious, hard-working, assiduous 139
234. dirty, filthy, foul, nasty, squalid, grimy 140
235. disappear, vanish, fade, evaporate 141
236. discover, find 142
237. discover, reveal, disclose, betray, expose 142
238. discuss, argue, debate, dispute, contend, reason 143
239. dismiss, discharge, remove, sack, fire, lay off 144
240. dispose, handle, deal with, manage, tackle, cope with 144
241. disposition, temperament, character, personality, nature, temper 145
242. distant, far, remote 146
243. distinct, distinctive 146
244. distress, suffering, agony, misery 147
245. distribute, divide, dispense, allocate, assign, allot, apportion, give out 147
246. do, perform, execute, accomplish, achieve, effect, fulfill, discharge 148
247. dominant, predominant, paramount, preeminent 149
248. doubtful, dubious, suspicious, suspect, skeptical, questionable 150
249. doubt, suspect 150
250. draft, draught, drought 151
251. drawing, illustration, picture, portrait, painting, sketch, cartoon 151
252. dress, put on, have on, wear 152
253. drop, descend, decline, fall, sink 153
254. drug, medicine, pill, lotion, ointment, remedy, capsule, specific,narcotic 154
255. drunk, drunken 155
256. dull, blunt 156
257. dumb, mute 156
258. duty, obligation, responsibility, liability 156
E 158
259. each, every 158
260. each other, one another 158
261. eager, anxious, keen 158
262. earthly, worldly 159
263. easy, easily 159
264. economical, frugal, thrifty, sparing, austere 160
265. economic, economical 160
266. effect, consequence, result, outcome 161
267. effective, efficient 161
268. effort, exertion, endeavor, application, pains, trouble 162
269. elderly, old, aged 162
270. electric, electrical 163
271. element, component, constituent, ingredient 163
272. emotion, feeling, affection, passion, sentiment, sensation 164
273. employ, hire, engage 165
274. empty, vacant, hollow, vain, bare, blank, void, devoid 165
275. endow, bestow, vest 166
276. endure, bear, suffer, tolerate, stand, abide, withstand, put up with 167
277. enemy, foe, opponent, rival, adversary, antagonist 168
278. enhance, heighten, advance 169
279. enjoy, appreciate 170
280. enormous, immense, colossal, huge, vast, gigantic, tremendous 170
281. enough, adequate, sufficient, ample 171
282. entertain, amuse 172
283. entrance, entry 172
284. envy, jealousy 173
285. estimate, evaluate, appreciate, assess, appraise, value, rate 173
286. evidence, testimony, proof 174
287. evident, manifest, distinct, obvious, apparent, clear, plain, patent 175
288. examine, inspect, investigate, scan 176
289. example, instance 177
290. example, specimen, sample, case, illustration 177
291. exceptional, unique, singular 178
292. exchange, interchange 179
293. excuse, pretext, pretence 179
294. exempt, immune 180
295. exhibition, exhibit, exposition, fair, show 180
296. expand, amplify, swell, distend, dil?te 180
297. expect, anticipate, hope, await 181
298. experience, suffer, undergo 182
299. experiment, experimentation 182
300. explain, interpret, illustrate, account for 183
301. explicit, definite, express, specific 183
302. extend, lengthen, draw out, prolong, stretch 184
F 185
303. face, confront 185
304. factory, mill, plant, works, foundry, workshop, refinery, tannery 185
305. fair, just, impartial 186
306. faithful, truthful, loyal, true, constant, fast 186
307. false, sham, counterfeit, fake 187
308. fame, honor, glory, celebrity, reputation, repute, notoriety 187
309. familiar, intimate, close, confidential 189
310. famous, renowned, celebrated, notable, remarkable, eminent,distinguished, noted, famed 189
311. farther, further 190
312. fashion, style, mode, vogue 191
313. fast, rapid, swift, quick, speedy, hasty, fleet 191
314. fatal, deadly, mortal, lethal 192
315. fault, defect, flaw, weakness 193
316. fear, fright, dread, terror, horror, panic, alarm, dismay, awe 193
317. female, feminine, womanly, womanish, ladylike 195
318. fertile, fruitful, productive, prolific, copious 195
319. fiction, novel, story, romance, tale, narrative, anecdote, folklore 196
320. finally, at last, at length, in time, eventually, in the end 197
321. financial, fiscal, monetary 197
322. firm, hard, solid, stiff, rigid, inflexible, inelastic, tense 198
323. first, firstly, at first, first of all, first and foremost 198
324. fit, fitting, suitable, proper, appropriate, apt 199
325. flag, banner, colors 200
326. fog, mist, haze, smog 200
327. follow, chase, pursue, trail, hound, track, go after, run after 201
328. follow, succeed, ensue, result, supervene 201
329. forbid, prohibit, inhibit, ban, curb, check, bridle 202
330. force, compel, constrain, oblige, obligate 203
331. forecast, predict, foresee, foretell, prophesy 204
332. forest, wood, jungle, grove 204
333. forgive, pardon, excuse, condone 205
334. fortune, fate, doom, destiny, lot 205
335. found, establish, organize, form 206
336. frank, candid, outspoken, straightforward, open 206
337. freedom, liberty 207
338. frighten, threaten, menace, intimidate, bully, cow 207
339. frustrate, baffle, foil, thwart, balk 208
G 209
340. game, sport, play 209
341. gather, collect, assemble, accumulate, amass, muster 209
342. gaze, stare, glare 210
343. general, universal 211
344. get, obtain, secure, acquire, gain, win, earn, procure 211
345. get in, gather, pick, harvest, crop, reap 212
346. giant, huge 213
347. genius, gift, talent, faculty 213
348. gift, present 214
349. glad, happy, cheerful, joyful, joyous, delighted, merry 214
350. glance, glare, gleam, glimmer, glisten, glitter, glow 215
351. goodness, virtue 215
352. go on, continue, proceed, resume 216
353. govern, rule, reign 216
354. grade, class, rank 217
355. grade, score, mark, point 218
356. grand, magnificent, imposing, splendid, superb, gorgeous, glorious,stately, majestic, august 219
357. grasp, seize, grab, snatch, grip, clutch 220
358. group, company, party, band, gang, throng, swarm, faction, mob 221
H 223
359. habit, practice, custom, convention 223
360. handle, manipulate, wield 223
361. happen, chance, occur, take place, come about 224
362. happy, lucky, fortunate 225
363. harbor, port 225
364. hard, difficult, tough 226
365. hardly, scarcely 226
366. hardship, difficulty, suffering 227
367. haste, hurry, speed 227
368. hate, detest, despise, abhor, loathe 227
369. hatred, hate 228
370. have, hold, own, possess 228
371. head, brain, mind 229
372. healthful, healthy, wholesome 230
373. healthy, sound, hale, robust, well, wholesome, hardy, vigorous 230
374. heap, pile, stack, mass, bank, mound 231
375. heavy, weighty, burdensome 231
376. height, elevation, altitude 232
377. help, assist, aid 232
378. heritage, heredity, inheritance, legacy 233
379. hesitate, vacillate, waver, falter 233
380. hide, conceal, secrete, screen, bury, cloak, harbor, house 234
381. high, highly 235
382. high, tall, lofty, towering, elevated 236
383. hinder, obstruct, bar, block, hamper, impede 237
384. hire, let, lease, rent, charter 238
385. holiday, leave, vacation 239
386. holy, sacred 239
387. home, house, family, household, residence 240
388. hotel, restaurant, inn, tavern, motel 240
I 242
389. idea, concept, conception, thought, notion, impression 242
390. idle, lazy 243
391. ill, sick 243
392. imaginary, fanciful, fantastic, fictitious 244
393. imitate, copy, simulate, mock, mimic, ape 245
394. importance, consequence, moment, significance, import, weight 245
395. imprison, jail 246
396. improve, better 246
397. include, contain, comprise, comprehend, embrace, involve 247
398. increase, enlarge, multiply, expand, extend 247
399. incredible, incredulous 248
400. indeed, really 249
401. individual, private, personal 249
402. infectious, contagious 250
403. infer, deduce, conclude, judge, gather, guess, conjecture, surmise 251
404. influence, affect, effect 252
405. injure, harm, hurt, damage, spoil, wound, impair 252
406. injustice, injury, wrong 254
407. inspire, move, touch 254
408. insist, persist, persevere 255
409. instance, case, illustration 255
410. instead, instead of, in place of 255
411. instinct, intuition 256
412. intelligent, clever, bright, brilliant, smart, wise 256
413. intend, plan, mean, design, propose, purpose 257
414. intentional, deliberate, wilful 258
415. intention, intent, aim, end, goal, object, objective, purpose 259
416. interfere, intervene, mediate, meddle, tamper 260
417. interrupt, disturb, bother, interfere 261
418. in the future, in future, for the future 262
419. introduce, recommend, present 262
420. investigation, probe, research, inquest, examination, inquiry 263
421. invite, call, summon 264
422. irony, satire 264
423. isolate, seclude, segregate, sequester, insulate 264
J 266
424. join, combine, unite, link, connect, associate 266
425. journey, trip, travel, tour, voyage, excursion, cruise, expedition,outing 267
426. judge, referee, umpire, arbitrator, arbiter 268
447. jump, leap, spring, bound, skip, hop, vault, hurdle 268
428. justify, warrant 269
K 270
429. keep, retain, reserve 270
430. kill, murder, slay, slaughter, massacre 270
431. kind, kindly, benevolent, gracious 271
432. kind, sort, type, class, category 272
433. knowledge, scholarship, science, learning, information, know-how,erudition 272
434. know, see, understand, realize, recognize, comprehend, apprehend 273
L 275
435. lack, want, need, devoid 275
436. language, tongue, speech 276
437. last, latest, final, terminal, eventual, ultimate 276
438. laugh, laughter 276
439. laughable, funny, comic, comical, ludicrous, ridiculous, humorous, droll, jocular 276
440. lawful, legal, legitimate 278
441. lawyer, attorney, counselor, counsel, barrister, solicitor 278
442. lead to, result in, give rise to, cause 279
443. learn, study, pick up 279
444. lesson, class, lecture 280
445. level, flat, even, plane, smooth, flush 280
446. liberate, emancipate, free, set free, release 281
447. lift, raise, rear, elevate, hoist, heave, boost 282
448. lighten, release, relieve, alleviate, allay, assuage, mitigate 283
449. likely, possible, probable 285
450. limit, restrict, bound, confine, restrain, circumscribe 285
451. list, roll, catalog 286
452. listen, hear, overhear, pick up 287
453. live, dwell, inhabit, lodge, stay, put up 288
454. load, burden 288
455. locate, situate 289
456. lonely, alone, lone, lonesome, solitary 289
457. look for, find 290
458. look, sight, view, glance, glimpse, peep, peek 290
459. loose, loosen 291
460. love, affection 292
461. lure, allure, tempt, seduce, entice 292
M 293
462. machine, machinery, mechanism 293
463. magic, magical 293
464. make, produce, manufacture 294
465. manner, way, method, means, approach 294
466. marriage, wedding, matrimony 295
467. match, equal, rival 295
468. material, matter, substance 295
469. mature, ripe 296
470. meadow, pasture 297
471. mean, low, base 297
472. meantime, meanwhile 298
473. meeting, conference, assembly, congress, convention, council,session,rally, symposium 298
474. meet, meet with, encounter, come across, come up against,run across, run into, bump into 300
475. melt, fuse, liquefy, thaw, dissolve 300
476. memory, reminiscence, recollection 301
477. method, mode, manner, way, fashion, system 302
478. middle, center 303
479. migrate, emigrate, immigrate, move, remove 303
480. mind, intellect, intelligence, brain, wit, reason, wisdom 304
481. miserable, dismal, sorry, unhappy, wretched 305
482. misfortune, adversity, mishap, mischance 306
483. missing, lost 306
484. mistake, error, blunder 306
485. mix, blend, merge, mingle 307
486. model, ideal, example, standard, pattern, type 307
487. modest, humble, lowly 308
488. mood, temper, humor, vein 308
489. motion, movement, move, campaign 309
490. motive, incentive 309
491. mountain, hill, mount, peak, range 310
492. move, remove, shift, transfer 310
493. mutual, common, reciprocal, joint 311
N 313
494. naive, simple, unsophisticated, natural, unaffected, artless 313
495. name, designation, subject, title, topic, theme 314
496. near, close, by 315
497. neat, tidy, trim 315
498. necessary, essential, indispensable, vital 315
499. need, demand, necessity, requisite, must 316
500. neglect, ignore, omit, overlook, disregard, slight 316
501. negligent, negligible 318
502. neighborhood, vicinity 318
503. new, fresh, novel, original 319
504. noise, din, uproar, clamor, hubbub, racket 319
505. noise, sound, voice 320
506. normal, ordinary, regular, routine 320
507. note, bill 321
508. noticeable, observable, marked, conspicuous, prominent, outstanding,salient, remarkable, signal, arresting, striking 321
509. nourish, cherish, nurse, nurture 322
O 324
510. oath, pledge, vow, swear, promise 324
511. object, oppose, resist 325
512. obscure, vague, ambiguous 325
513. observe, celebrate, commemorate 326
514. obstacle, obstruction, bar, barrier, block, hindrance, impediment 326
515. odd, peculiar, queer, strange, weird, grotesque, eerie, uncanny, unearthly, bizarre 327
516. offer, suggest, propose, raise, put, produce, present, pose, profound,submit, advance, put forward, bring forward, set forth 328
517. officer, official 330
518. older, elder, senior 331
519. onlooker, spectator, viewer, witness 331
520. only, sole, single, unique 332
521. open, unfold, unclose, uncoil 333
522. opinion, idea, view, belief, conviction 333
523. opposite, adverse, contrary 334
524. oppress, suppress, repress 334
525. origin, source, root 335
526. over, above 335
527. overseas, abroad 336
528. overturn, upset, overthrow 336
529. owing to, due to 337
P 338
530. pain, ache, pang, stitch 338
531. parcel, pack, package, packet 338
532. partially, partly, in part 339
533. part, portion, section 339
534. pastime, recreation, entertainment, hobby 340
535. pathetic, pitiful, pitiable, piteous, lamentable, sympathetic 340
536. path, lane, drive, avenue, road, highway, street, way 341
537. penalty, punishment 342
538. percent, percentage 342
539. personal, personnel 343
540. phase, aspect, facet, angle, side 343
541. pierce, penetrate 344
542. pity, sympathy, compassion, mercy 344
543. plan, plot, conspire, devise, design, scheme 345
544. pleasant, agreeable, pleasing, pleased 346
545. pleasure, delight, joy 346
546. plot, conspiracy, scheme, intrigue, trick 347
547. political, politic 348
548. politician, statesman 348
549. pollute, contaminate, foul, stain 349
550. position, place, situation, vacancy, office, post, job 349
551. possible, workable, practicable, feasible, viable 350
552. power, strength, might, energy, force 350
553. practical, practicable, practiced 352
554. practice, exercise, drill, train 352
555. praise, acclaim, commend 353
556. predicament, dilemma, plight, jam, fix, pickle, quandary 353
557. prejudice, bias, partiality, prepossession 354
558. premium, prize, award, reward, bonus 355
559. prepare, get ready for 356
560. president, chancellor, principal, provost, schoolmaster, headmaster 356
561. press, squeeze, pinch, wring 357
562. pressure, stress, strain, tension 358
563. pretend, assume, affect, simulate, feign, fake, counterfeit, feint 358
564. prevailing, prevalent, current 359
565. prevent, preclude, avert, forestall 360
566. previous, prior, preceding, foregoing, former, foremost 360
567. prison, jail, gaol 361
568. produce, product, production, productivity 362
569. promote, advance, progress, proceed, foster 363
570. proposal, proposition 365
571. prospect, outlook, anticipation, expectation, hope 365
572. proud, conceited, arrogant, haughty, vain 366
573. provoke, incite, excite, stimulate, arouse, rouse, stir, agitate 366
574. pull, draw, drag, haul, jerk, tow, tug 368
575. push, shove, thrust, propel 369
576. put, place, set, lay 369
577. puzzle, perplex, confuse, bewilder, confound, baffle 370
Q 372
578. quality, property, character, attribute 372
579. question, problem, issue, query, interrogation 372
580. quick, prompt, ready, swift 373
581. quote, cite 374
R 376
582. race, nation, people 376
583. random, chance, casual, haphazard, contingent 376
584. range, field, area, limit, extent, scope, reach, compass, sphere,spectrum, territory, domain 378
585. rare, scarce, scant 379
586. rather, fairly 380
587. rational, reasonable 381
588. ratio, rate, proportion 381
589. real, actual, true, genuine, authentic 382
590. rebellion, revolt, revolution, uprising, rising 383
591. rebel, renegade, traitor 384
592. recede, ebb, retract, retreat, withdraw, retrograde 385
593. receive, accept 386
594. reception, receipt 386
595. reform, remold, transform 387
596. regret, repent, remorse 387
597. related, relevant 388
598. relate, narrate, describe, state, remark 388
599. relation, relative, relationship 390
600. relax, loose, loosen, slacken 390
601. rely, depend 391
602. remainder, rest, remnant, remains, residue, balance, leftover 392
603. remember, recall, recollect, remind, memorize 393
604. renew, restore, refresh, revive, rejuvenate 394
605. replace, supersede, supplant, displace 395
606. representative, delegate, deputy 396
607. request, ask 396
608. rescue, deliver, save, reclaim, redeem 397
609. rest, relaxation, leisure, ease, comfort, repose 398
610. retire, retreat, withdraw 400
611. reveal, expose, show, disclose, uncover 400
612. revoke, reverse, repeal, rescind, recall 401
613. rich, wealthy, affluent, abundant 402
614. right, rightly 403
615. rise, arise, raise 404
616. rise, ascend, climb, soar, tower, mount, surge 405
617. river, stream, brook, creek, rapids 406
618.rough,harsh,rugged,uneven 406
619.route,course,passage,pass 407
620.rude,rough,crude,raw,coarse 408
S 410
621.sabotage,undermine,damage 410
622.sacrifice,devote,dedicate,consecrate 410
623.sad,sorrowful,depressed 411
624.safe,secure 412
625.same,very,identical,equivalent,equal 412
626.satisfactory,satisfying,satisfied 413
627.satisfy,content 414
628.save,preserve,keep,retain,reserve,maintain,conserve,withhold 414
629.scan,skim,skip 416
630.scare,frighten,alarm,terrify,horrify,startle,appall,panic 417
631.scatter,disperse,dispel,dissipate 418
632.scene,scenery 419
633.schedule,chart,diagram 419
634.school,university,college,academy,institute 420
635.scrub,scrape,polish,rub,erase 421
636.see,catch sight of,spot,peer,peep,peek 421
637.see,look,watch,observe,view,perceive,discern,notice,note,remark 422
638.seem,look,appear 424
639.send,dispatch,forward,ship 424
640.sensation,sense,feeling,sensibility 425
641.sensible,sensitive,susceptible 426
642.separate,divide,part,divorce 427
643.series,sequence,succession,chain,train,string,spectrum 427
644.serious,grave,earnest,conscientious 428
645.shade,shadow 429
646.shake,tremble,quake,quiver,shiver,shudder 430
647.sharp,keen,acute 431
648.shelter,cover,retreat,refuge,asylum,sanctuary 432
649. shop, store, department store, business 432
650. show, demonstrate, display, exhibit 433
651. shut, close, slam 434
652. sickness, illness, disease, disorder, ailment, trouble, complaint 434
653. signal, sign, symbol, mark, token, emblem 435
654. sign, signal, gesture 436
655. sincere, wholehearted, hearty, heartfelt 437
656. size, magnitude, dimension 437
657. skill, art, technique 438
658. slant, incline, lean, slope, tip, tilt, list 438
659. slide, glide, slip, coast, skid, slither 439
660. sly, cunning, tricky, crafty, foxy, artful, wily 440
661. small, little, tiny, minute, miniature, petty 441
662. smash, break, burst, crack, crush, fracture 442
663. smell, scent, perfume, odor, fragrance, aroma 443
664. smile, laugh, grin, chuckle, chortle, beam, giggle, snicker, snigger, simper, smirk, guffaw 444
665. soft, mild, gentle 445
666. solve, resolve 446
667. soul, spirit, mind 446
668. speak, talk, state, tell, say, discourse 447
669. special, especial, specific, particular, peculiar 448
670. specially, especially, particularly 449
671. speech, address, oration, lecture 449
672. spend, expend, cost, pay 450
673. standard, criterion, norm 452
674. state, condition, situation, status 452
675. statement, account, bill 453
676. stay, remain, linger 454
677. stern, strict, severe, austere, grim 454
678. story, tale, narrative, anecdote, romance 455
679. strike, beat, hit, punch, knock 456
680. strong, sturdy, stout, tough 457
681. struck, stricken 458
682. subject, theme, topic, matter, motif 458
683. suburb, outskirt 459
684. succeed, prosper, flourish, thrive 459
685. suggest, imply, mean, indicate, hint, denote, connote 460
686. summit, peak, climax, zenith, acme, pinnacle, apex 461
687. sunk, sunken 463
688. sunlight, sunshine 463
689. supplementary, complementary 463
690. supply, provide, furnish, afford 464
691. support, uphold, sustain, maintain, back 465
692. sure, certain, confident, positive, definite 466
693. surprise, amaze, astonish, astound, wonder, appall 467
694. surrender, submit, yield, capitulate, succumb 468
695. surround, encircle, enclose, encompass, envelop, besiege, environ 469
696. surrounding, circumstance, environment, setting 470
697. survive, outlive, outlast 471
698. swing, sway, wave, waver, rock, fluctuate, vibrate, oscillate 471
T 473
699. task, duty, job, assignment 473
700. tax, taxation, rate, toll, duty, levy 473
701. teach, instruct, educate, train, discipline, school, coach, tutor 474
702. tear, rip, split 476
703. technique, technology 476
704. tell, distinguish, separate, differentiate, discern 477
705. tell, inform, notify, acquaint 477
706. tend, attend, mind, watch, see to 478
707. tendency, trend, current, drift, inclination 479
708. term, semester 479
709. test, examine 480
710. therefore, hence, consequently, then, accordingly, so 480
711. thief, burglar, bandit, robber, gangster, mob, mugger 480
712. thin, lean 481
713. think, reflect, contemplate, ponder, meditate, deliberate, speculate,brood 481
714. throw, cast, hurl, pitch, toss 482
715. tie, bind 483
716. time, age, era, epoch, day, period 483
717. tire, weary, fatigue, exhaust 484
718. tolerance, toleration 485
719. tolerant, tolerable 485
720. too, also, either, as well 485
721. tool, implement, instrument, appliance, utensil 486
722. torment, torture, affliction 487
723. trade, craft, profession, occupation, calling 487
724. trial, experiment, test 488
725. try, attempt, endeavor, undertake 488
726. turn, revolve, rotate, spin, whirl, circle, swirl 489
U 491
727. underground, subway, tube, metro 491
728. unity, union, solidarity 491
729. unwilling, reluctant 492
730. upon, on 492
731. upright, vertical, erect, perpendicular 492
732. urgent, pressing, imperative 493
733. use, employ, utilize, apply, adopt, harness 493
V 495
734. valid, sound, convincing, cogent 495
735. various, variable, variant, varied 495
736. vary, differ 496
737. vent, express, utter, voice, air 496
738. verbal, oral, spoken, vocal 497
739. victory, conquest, triumph 498
740. violation, breach 498
741. vision, sight, insight 499
742. visit, call, see, drop by, drop in 500
743. voluntary, intentional, deliberate, willing 500
W 502
744. wage, salary, fee, pay, hire 502
745. wait, await 502
746. wake, awake, waken, awaken, rouse, arouse 503
747. wander,stray, ramble, stroll, walk, roam, rove, meander 504
748. war,warfare,battle, campaign, action, fight, strife 505
749. wave, ripple, roller, breaker 507
750. weak, faint, feeble, fragile, frail 507
751. wealth, fortune, property, goods, effects, asset, riches, treasure,belongings 508
752. weather, climate 509
753. when, while, as 510
754. whole, entire, total, all, gross 512
755. wide, broad 513
756. wide, widely 513
757. wink, blink, twinkle 514
758. wither, fade 514
759. woman, lady, female 515
760. wonder, marvel, miracle 515
761. work, labor, toil, grind, drudgery 516
762. worth, value, merit, virtue 516
763. worth, worthwhile, worthy 517
764. wrong, wrongly 518
Y 519
765. young, youth, youthful, adolescent, immature, juvenile, green 519
Z 521
766. zero, zip, nil, naught, nought, nothing, cipher, zilch 521
Index 523
主要参考书目 552