

  • 刘妍,熊磊编著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国纺织出版社
  • ISBN:7506444410
  • 出版时间:2007
  • 标注页数:180页
  • 文件大小:19MB
  • 文件页数:197页
  • 主题词:纺织纤维-材料科学-双语教学-高等学校-教材


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Part Ⅰ An Introduction to Textiles/纺织入门 1

Chapter 1 Introduction/介绍 1

1.1 ASTM Standard Terminology Relating to Textiles/ASTM纺织标准术语 1

1.2 Fiber history/纤维历史 9

1.2.1 Natural fibers/天然纤维 9

1.2.2 Man-made fibers/化学纤维 10

Questions/思考题 13

Part Ⅱ Textile Fibers/纺织纤维 15

Chapter 2 Natural Cellulosic Fibers/天然纤维素纤维 15

2.1 Cotton/棉 16

2.1.1 Nature of cotton/棉花的种类 16

2.1.2 Classification/分类 17

2.1.3 Growth and structure of cotton/棉纤维的生长与结构 17

2.1.4 Maturity/成熟度 19

2.1.5 Cotton properties/棉纤维的性能 21

2.1.6 Cotton classification/棉花分级 22

2.2 Bast fibers/韧皮纤维 23

2.2.1 Flax(linen)/亚麻,亚麻织物 24

2.2.2 Ramie/苎麻 26

2.2.3 Hemp/汉麻 27

2.2.4 Jute/黄麻 27

Questions/思考题 28

Chapter 3 Natural Protein Fibers/天然蛋白质纤维 29

3.1 Wool/绵羊毛 29

3.1.1 Wool production and history/羊毛生产和历史 29

3.1.2 Wool grading/羊毛分级 30

3.1.3 Wool structure/羊毛结构 30

3.1.4 Wool properties/羊毛性能 31

3.2 Specialty animal fibers/特种动物毛 34

3.3 Silk/丝 35

Questions/思考题 37

Chapter 4 Man-made Fibers/化学纤维 38

4.1 Manufacturing processing of fiber/纤维生产工艺 38

4.1.1 Wet spinning/湿法纺丝 39

4.1.2 Dry spinning/干法纺丝 39

4.1.3 Melt spinning/熔体法纺丝 39

4.1.4 Gel spinning/凝胶纺丝 40

4.2 Regenerated fibers/再生纤维 40

4.2.1 Acetate/醋酯纤维 40

4.2.2 Triacetate/三醋酯纤维 42

4.2.3 Viscose fibers/粘胶纤维 42

4.3 Synthetic fibers/合成纤维 43

4.3.1 Acrylic/腈纶 43

4.3.2 Modacrylic/改性腈纶 44

4.3.3 Nylon/锦纶 44

4.3.4 Polyester/涤纶 45

4.3.5 PBI/聚苯并咪唑纤维 46

4.3.6 Vinal/聚乙烯醇纤维 46

4.3.7 Olefin/聚烯烃纤维 46

4.3.8 Aramid/芳纶 47

4.3.9 Lycra/莱卡 47

4.4 Other man-made fibers/其他化学纤维 49

4.4.1 Glass/玻璃纤维 49

4.4.2 Metallic/金属纤维 50

Questions/思考题 50

Chapter 5 New Fibers/新型纤维 51

5.1 Carbon fibers/碳纤维 51

5.2 Fluorocarbon/氟碳纤维 51

5.3 Lyocell fibers(Tencel)/莱塞尔纤维 51

5.4 High-wet-modulus fibers/高湿模量纤维 52

5.4.1 Modal fibers/莫代尔纤维 52

5.4.2 Richcel/丽赛纤维 53

5.5 Soybean protein composite fibers/大豆蛋白复合纤维 53

5.6 PLA fiber/聚左旋乳酸纤维 54

5.7 Heterogenous fibers/复合纤维 54

5.7.1 Bicomponent or multicomponent/双组分或多组分 55

5.7.2 Biconstituent or multiconstituent/双成分或多成分 56

5.7.3 Matrix or matrix-fibril/基质型纤维 56

5.8 Differential fibers/差别化纤维 57

5.9 Functional fibers/功能性纤维 57

5.10 High performance fibers/高性能纤维 57

Questions/思考题 57

Chapter 6 The Property of Absorbing Moisture/吸湿性 58

6.1 Orientation and crystallization/取向与结晶 58

6.2 Moisture sorption/吸湿性 58

6.2.1 Regain and moisture content/回潮率与含水率 58

6.2.2 Relation between regain and relative humidity/回潮率与相对湿度的关系 58

6.2.3 Comparison of various materials/不同材料吸湿性的对比 59

6.2.4 Theories of moisture sorption/吸湿理论 61

Questions/思考题 63

Chapter 7 Other Physicai Properties of Textile Fibers/纤维的其他物理性能 64

7.1 Electronic properties/电学性能 64

7.1.1 Definitions/定义 64

7.2 Optical properties/光学性能 65

7.3 Thermal properties/热学性能 66

7.3.1 Thermal parameters/热力学参数 66

7.3.2 Acomparison of temperature effects/温度效应比较 66

Questions/思考题 66

Part Ⅲ Textile Yarns/纺织纱线 67

Chapter 8 Yarn Processing and Construction/纱线制造与结构 67

8.1 Spun yarns/短纤纱 68

8.2 Filament yarns/长丝纱 68

8.3 Methods of yarn processing/纺纱方法 68

8.3.1 Ring-spinning/环锭纺 69

8.3.2 New methods of yarn processing/新型纺纱方法 69

8.4 Single and ply yarns/单纱和股线 72

8.5 Special types of yarn/特种纱线 73

8.5.1 Fancy yarns/花式纱 73

8.5.2 Stretch yarns/弹力纱 74

8.5.3 Textured yarns/变形纱线 74

8.6 Blends and mixtures yarns/纱线混纺与混用 75

Questions/思考题 76

Chapter 9 Yarn Properties/纱线性能 77

9.1 Yarn number/纱线细度 77

9.1.1 Denier system/旦数 77

9.1.2 Yarn count system/纱线英制支数 77

9.1.3 Tex system/线密度 78

9.1.4 Metric numbering system/公制支数 78

9.1.5 Conversion in different systems/不同系统之间的换算 78

9.2 Ply yarn counts and singles equivalent/股线支数与单纱支数 78

9.3 Yarn twist/纱线捻度 79

9.4 Yarn hairiness/纱线毛羽 80

9.4.1 Hairiness test method/毛羽测试方法 81

9.4.2 Factors affecfing hairiness/影响毛羽的因素 81

9.5 Yarn unevenness/纱线不匀 82

9.5.1 Test of yarn unevenness/纱线不匀的测试 82

9.5.2 Reasons for yarn unevenness/纱线不匀的原因 83

9.6 Classification of yarn quality/纱线质量分析 83

Questions/思考题 83

Part Ⅳ Textile Fabrics/织物 85

Chapter 10 Woven Fabrics/机织物 85

10.1 Making woven fabrics/织制机织物 85

10.1.1 The loom/织机 85

10.1.2 Loom type/织机类型 87

10.1.3 Loom motions/织机运动 87

10.1.4 Electronics in weaving/电子技术在织机中的应用 88

10.1.5 The selvage/布边 88

10.2 Warp yarns and filling yarns/经纱和纬纱 88

10.2.1 Identification/鉴别 89

10.3 Face and back/正面与反面 89

10.3.1 Reasons for differenee/存在差异的原因 90

10.3.2Caution/应用的要点 90

10.4 Top and bottom/顶端和底端 90

10.4.1 Reasons for difference/存在差异的原因 90

10.5 Weave floats/组织浮线 91

10.6 Basic weaves/基本组织 91

10.6.1 Plain weave/平纹组织 91

10.6.2 Twill weave/斜纹组织 92

10.6.3 Satin weave/缎纹组织 94

10.7 Fabric performance and characteristics/织物性能和参数 95

10.7.1 Fabric width/幅宽 95

10.7.2 Fabric weight/织物重量 95

10.7.3 Fabric thickness/织物厚度 96

10.7.4 Fabric density/织物密度 96

10.7.5 Fabric count/织物经纬密度 96

10.7.6 Fabric defects/织物疵点 96

Questions/思考题 96

Chapter 11 Knitted Fabrics/针织物 97

11.1 Making of knitted fabric/针织物形成 97

11.1.1 The forming ofknitted stitches/线圈的形成 97

11.1.2 Types of knitted stitches/线圈的种类 99

11.2 Weft knits/纬编针织物 100

11.2.1 Jersey knit fabric/纬平针织物 100

11.2.2 Rib knit fabric/罗纹针织物 101

11.2.3 Purl knit fabric/双反面针织物 102

11.2.4 Double knits/双面针织物 103

11.2.5 Full-fashioned knits/全成形针织物 103

11.3 Warp knits/经编针织物 104

11.3.1 Tricot fabrics/特里科经编针织物 104

11.3.2 Raschel fabrics/拉舍尔经编针织物 105

11.4 Performance and characteristics/性能和参数 105

Questions/思考题 106

Chapter 12 Nonwoven Fabrics/非织造布 107

12.1 Introduction/导论 107

12.2 Manufacturing methods/生产方法 108

12.2.1 Dry laid system/干法成网 108

12.2.2 Wet laid system/湿法成网 108

12.2.3 Polymer laid system/聚合物挤压法 108

12.3 Various nonwovens/各种非织造布 108

12.3.1 Needle punched nonwovens/针刺法非织造布 108

12.3.2 Bonded web nonwovens/黏合法非织造布 109

12.3.3 Spunlaced nonwovens/射流喷网法非织造布 110

12.3.4 Spunbonded nonwovens/纺粘法非织造布 111

12.3.5 Melt-blown nonwovens/熔喷法非织造布 112

Questions/思考题 112

PartⅤ Textile Testing/纺织品测试 113

Chapter 13 General Test Methods/常规测试方法 113

13.1 General fiber tests/纤维常规测试 113

13.1.1 Fiber identification/纤维鉴别 113

13.1.2 Fiber length/纤维长度 117

13.1.3 Fiber fineness or linear density/纤维细度或线密度 118

13.1.4 Cross-sectional shape/截面形状 118

13.1.5 Crimp/卷曲 118

13.1.6 Regain/回潮率 119

13.1.7 Mechanical properties/机械性能 119

13.1.8 Chemical characteristics/化学性能 119

13.1.9 Surface characteristics/表面性能 119

13.1.10 Density and specific gravity/密度和相对密度 120

13.2 Special tests for natural fibers/天然纤维的测试 120

13.2.1 Tests for cotton/棉纤维测试 120

13.2.2 Tests for wool/毛纤维测试 122

13.3 Testing of tensile properties/拉伸性能测试 123

13.3.1 Description of tensile proprieties/拉伸性能的描述 124

13.3.2 Fiber and yarn tensile testing/纤维和纱线拉伸性能的测试 129

13.3.3 Fabric tensile testing/织物拉伸性能测试方法 130

Questions/思考题 132

Chapter 14 Fabric Abrasion and Pilling/织物磨损与起球 133

14.1 Types of abrasion/磨损的类型 133

14.1.1 Abrasion between fabrics/织物间的磨损 133

14.1.2 Abrasion between fabric and a nontextile surface/织物与非纤维制品表面磨损 133

14.1.3 Abrasion within fabric/织物内部磨损 134

14.1.4 Abrasion by foreign materials within the fabric/与织物内部其他材料的磨损 134

14.2 Factors affecting fabric abrasion resistance/影响耐磨性能的因素 134

14.2.1 Fabric properties/织物性能 134

14.2.2 Other factors/其他因素 136

14.3 Abrasion testing/磨损测试 137

14.3.1 Visual comparison with an unabraded specimen/与未磨损样品视觉对比 137

14.3.2 Number of cycles to produce a hole/产生磨损破洞需要的摩擦圈数 137

14.3.3 Change in a physical property/物理性能的变化 137

14.3.4 Microscopic examination/显微镜观测 138

14.4 Aesthetics of abrasion and wear/穿着和磨损对美感的影响 138

14.4.1 Color changes caused by abrasion/磨损引起的颜色变化 138

14.4.2 Pilling/起球 139

Questions/思考题 140

Chapter 15 Fabric Hand and Drape/织物手感与悬垂 141

15.1 Fabric hand/织物手感 141

15.2 Fabric drape/织物悬垂 142

15.3 Measurement of hand and drape/手感与悬垂的评价 144

15.3.1 Subjective evaluation/主观评定法 144

15.3.2 Quantitative measurement/定量评定法 145

15.3.3 Kawabata evaluation system/KES评定法 146

Questions/思考题 146

Chapter 16 Fabric Colorfastness/织物染色牢度 147

16.1 Evaluation of color and colorfastness/颜色和染色牢度评定方法 147

16.2 Colorfastness tests/染色牢度测试 147

16.2.1 Colorfastness to crocking/耐摩擦色牢度 147

16.2.2 Colorfastness to laundering and bleaching/耐洗涤和耐漂白色牢 148

16.2.3 Colorfastness to drycleaning/耐干洗色牢度 149

16.2.4 Colorfastness to perspiration/耐汗渍色牢度 149

16.2.5 Colorfastness to water/耐水浸色牢度 149

16.2.6 Colorfastness to light/耐光照色牢度 150

16.2.7 Colorfastness to atmospheric contaminants/耐空气污染色牢度 151

Questions/思考题 151

Chapter 17 Fabric Flammability/织物可燃性 152

17.1 Flammability standards/可燃性标准 152

17.2 Properties affecting flammability/影响可燃性的因素 152

17.3 Flammability testing/可燃性测试 154

17.3.1 Forty-five degree angle test/45°燃烧测试法 154

17.3.2 Vertical flame tests/垂直燃烧测试法 155

17.3.3 Carpet testing/地毯测试 155

17.3.4 Cigarette tests/卷烟点燃测试 155

17.3.5 Other standard flammability tests/其他可燃性测试 156

Questions/思考题 156

Chapter 18 Comfort of Textiles/纺织品舒适性 157

18.1 Physical phenomena affecting thermal comfort/影响热舒适性能的物理现象 157

18.1.1 Heat transfer/热传递 157

18.1.2 Moisture transfer/湿传递 158

18.1.3 Water resistance/抗水性 158

18.1.4 Air transfer/透气性 159

18.1.5 Porosity and cover factor/多孔性和覆盖系数 159

18.1.6 Electrostatic propensity/静电 160

18.2 Evaluations of textile properties related to comfort/与舒适性相关的纺织品性能评价 160

18.2.1 Heat transfer/热传递 161

18.2.2 Moisture properties/湿传递性能 162

18.2.3 Air permeability/透气性 162

18.2.4 Porosity/孔隙率 163

18.2.5 Electrostatic tests/静电测试 163

Questions/思考题 163

Appendix/附录 164



Vocabulary/词汇表 172

References/参考文献 180
