- (英)Francoise Grellet著;冯晓媛导读 著
- 出版社: 北京:人民教育出版社
- ISBN:7107139827
- 出版时间:2000
- 标注页数:252页
- 文件大小:15MB
- 文件页数:271页
- 主题词:
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To the reader 2
Introduction 3
Reading and reading comprehension 3
What is reading comprehension? 3
Some assumptions 6
Reading comprehension in the classroom 10
Reading comprehension exercise-types 12
The exercises 28
Ⅰ Reading techniques 28
Sensitizing 28
Improving reading speed 54
From skimming to scanning 56
Ⅱ How the aim is conveyed 90
Aim and function of the text 90
Organization of the text: different thematic patterns 93
Thematization 127
Ⅲ Understanding meaning 130
Non-linguistic response to the text 130
Linguistic response to the text 186
Ⅳ Assessing the text 239
Fact versus opinion 239
Writer s intention 241
Bibliography 251
Acknowledgements 252