21世纪大学图书馆的新使命 庆祝北京大学建校一百周年国际学术研讨会论文集 英文本pdf电子书版本下载

- 北京大学图书馆编 著
- 出版社: 北京:北京大学出版社
- ISBN:7301038593
- 出版时间:1998
- 标注页数:691页
- 文件大小:43MB
- 文件页数:703页
- 主题词:
21世纪大学图书馆的新使命 庆祝北京大学建校一百周年国际学术研讨会论文集 英文本PDF格式电子书版下载
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THEME I:Mission and purpose of Academic Libraries in the 21st Centary 1
Next Generation Intemet and the Academic Library’s Role in Knowledge Society&Ching-Chih Chen 2
Peking Lniversity Library Marching towards the 21st Century&Dai Longji 10
New Mission?Or-Old Mission with a New Face?&Frederick J.Friend 17
The Change in the University Library:Towards the 21st Century&Frances K.Groen 21
The Role of National Libraries in the Digital World&Winston Tabb 28
Revitalizing Academic Libraries for the 21st Century&Samson C.Soong 32
What Kind of Future?&William G.Simpson 38
Academis Libraries in Transition&Min-Min Chang 41
Our Mission Is to Make the Future Present Tense,Building Tomorrow Today-A Misson Possible&Martie van der Merwe 45
Some ldeas on the Development Strategy of Academic Library in the 21st Century&Zhu Haikang Zhao Meidi 49
On University Library under the Network Environment&Oin Zengfu 53
Several Problems on How to Speed up the Modernization of Chinese Libraries&Gao Min,Li Hongmei 56
A Discussion on the Problem of the Modemization of the University Libraries-Also a Discassion on the Subject that university Libra ries Must Meet the Development of In formation Technology&Zhang Qijie 60
The Role and Orientation of University Librarians of the New Century Librories into the Next Millennium&Li Shijing 64
Actir?g Locally Serving Globally Generating Support for Research&John R.Haak 69
Academic Libraries in the 21st Century Moving Towards a New Technological Humanism a Research Paradigm&Theodora Stathoulia Aliki Tsoukala 73
Balancing Postmodern Academic Libraries&Peter R.Yonung 76
Travels in Infospace Access to Information and the University Library in the 21st Century&Alex Byrne 80
What is My Core Business?The Academic Librariarr as Partner in the Teaching and Research Process&Gaynor Austen 84
The Electronic Library and Information Services in the 21st Century&Andrew H.Wang 88
Workflow Support Systems:the new Mission of Academic Booksellers&Frances Lau Eric Redrnan 91
Publishing on the Cusp:Enlarging the Mission of the 21st Century Academic Libcaries&Terry D.Webb 95
Impact of Elecu? Journals on Archival Functions of Academic Libraries a Singaporean Perspective&Abdus Sattar Chaudhry Wang Ziehong 98
Moving Towards the New Millennium University of Hong Kong Libraries Initiatives&Julia L.Y.Chan L.B.Kan 101
Recent Library Development and Outlook at the Chinese University of Hong Kong&Michael Minsong Lee 109
The Application of Modern Information Technologies&the Intensification of the Education Function for Academic Libraries&Peng Junling,HeHaidi 113
Evaluation on the College Librarians’ Status and Effects in the SEZ Network Resources Establishment and the Information Service&Cui Xiaoxi 117
数学时代大学图书馆的战略对策&吴慰慈 周庆山 120
高等院校图书馆事业建设中的几个问题&周文骏 125
21世纪的中国大学图书馆&刘建良 130
面向21世纪信息时代大学图书馆的功能&肖小勃 邵晶 李人厚 133
从可持续发展的角度探讨大学图书馆的改革与发展&谭艺曼 138
21世纪我国大学图书馆员转型的思考&杨勇 142
网络信息时代咨询馆员的新任务&张春红 146
THEME II:Library Management and Organizational Structure of the Digital Library 149
Evolving Effective Organizations in an Age of Technology:Beyond University Libraries as Separate Divisions&Jerry D Campbell 150
Rebuilding University Library Mechanism for the 21st Century&Zhang Xiaolin 157
Capturing the Rainbow:Managing Change Through Planning Leadership and People&Helen Hayes 163
The Changing Organizational Structures of Academic Libraries&Barbara B.Moran 169
Nature of Academic Library Management&Harry E.Auret 176
New Organizational Model of the University Library&Hyun Jin Hong Byung Mock Rhee 181
An Approach to the Reorganization of Library under Networked Environment&Guo Wei,Yang Huai 184
New Era,Chinese University Libraries Management Modes&Wang Xiaoling 188
On the Structure Reorganization of University Libraries in the Era of Networking&Xie Maozhao,Liu xu Liu Bin 193
On University Library Management Model in the 21st Century ——Integration of the Confucian Culture and Contemporary Management&Xi Wanqiu 197
New Perspectives on Managing Change in United Kingdom Research Libraries&Michael Hannon 204
Responding to the Changing Relationship of Library and Classroom in American Academic Institutions the Drew University Library Team Approach to Management&Deirdre C Stam 207
Re-Engineering of Keio University Library&Yoshiro Kato 211
A Perceptual Study of Changing Functions and Structures of Acadernic Libraries in Taiwan&Fong-Seng Hu 216
Challenges of Measuring Quality in Academic Libraries a View Peruvian&Carlos A Acu?a Ramos 223
Collection Management in Small and Medium Size University Libraries in the New Century&Sha-Li Zhang 227
Reshape and Survive——Catalonging Departments of Academic Libraries in Face of the New Century&Wang Shaoping 231
Standards and Evaluation of Research Libraries&Beverly P.Lynch 236
再生工程与21世纪大学图书馆&李治安 李培 239
21世纪中国大学图书馆的组织模式&苏位智 杨锦先 243
现代图书馆微观管理中几个问题的再认识&李玉安 247
THEME III:Services and Resource Sharing in the Networked Environment 252
Resource Sharing and Hybrid Libraries:the Malibu Project&Derek Law 253
CALIS——A Resource Sharing Project in Network Environment for Academic Libraries&Zhu Qiang 258
Erasing Boundaries:Global Resource Sharing in the 21st Century&Robert A Seal 263
Building Global Partnerships in the 21st Century:Envisioning the Global Virtual Library&Rush G Miller 267
Collaborating on New Missions:Library Consortia and the Future of Academic Libraries&Jordan M.Scepanski 271
Global Resource Sharing:a Case Study of Trans-Pacific Document Delivery between the University of Pittsburgh and Chinese Libraries in the Pacific Rim&Peter Xinping Zhou 276
Digital Cooperative Collection Bulding in New York:ldeals Reality and Challenges&Anthony W Ferguson 279
Maximizing Information Access and Resources Sharing the Ohiolink Approach&Hwa-Wei Lee 283
Networking Construction of Information Resource Sharing Service Network (IRSSN)of 21st Century Among Universities and Colleges in Beijing&Ma Ziwei,Xu Guoqin 288
Moving towards to the Virtual Library——Recent Development of Melvyl and Ohiolink&Yu-Lan Chou Guoqing Li 299
An Intemational Effort:Catalonging Cooperation between the National Library of China and OCLC——A Case Study of China Project&Wei Fu Bender 303
Creating a Dingital Union Catalog for Ancient Chinese Books in Academic and Research Libraries in the United States of America&Josephine Yu Chen Sche 307
Cooperative Catalonging in China&Xiang Qian 310
On the Basic Characteristics and Concept Basis of the Modernization of the Library Information Services&Ma Wenfeng Wang Liqing 316
Creating the Virtual Library New Opportunities and Challenges for Resource Sharing&Joseph J.Branin 321
Information Service and Resourees Sharing in the Network Environment&Xi Shuping Wang le 326
Towards Comprehensive Service the Academic Libranes Facing the 21st Century&Bai Ying 331
Multimedia Information Service in the Network&Sun Weijun 335
Observations on Information Resources Sharing in China in Network Environment&Wei Jie,Sun Zhi 339
On the Centennial of Peking University:Will Electronic Records Created Today Survive to the Bicentennial?&Sarah E Thomas 344
Development and Utilization of Electronic Resource over the Net&Cai Huibin 348
Special Collections in the 21st Century&Merrily E Taylor 352
Electronlc Publishing and the Future of Library Resource Sharing&James G Neal 358
Developments in Electronic Journals&lsabel A.Stirling 361
Electronic Journals in American Academic Libraries:a View From Within &Heting Chu 365
Persistent Storage of Digital Documents&John W Haeger Win-Shin Chiang 374
The Development of Chinese Library Collections in the United Stafes:Some Historical Reflections&David H Stam 377
Chinese Rare Books and Academic Libraries in the 21st Century&S?ren Edgren 380
Long Term Preservation in a Digital Environment&Peter Fox 383
Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Different Reference Service Strategies——A Case Study in Biotechnology&Ji Liuying 386
论大学图书馆的网际协作&沈继武 王梅 391
信息时代图书馆读者服务的重新定位&沈正华 397
网络环境下的大学图书馆与用户服务&董小英 李晓雷 405
西部地区大学图书馆自动化建设与信息服务的思考&赵书城 董翔 416
网络环境下深化图书馆信息服务的渠道和措施&王俊杰 卢照平 王荣宗 420
外文电子期刊收集策略再探&叶继元 424
网络环境中高校学术信息资源建设与开发初深&李惠珍 429
我国书业书目信息资源的管理和控制&师曾志 436
CALIS中馆际互借体系建设原则与运行规范探讨&何朝晖 442
中国大陆引进国外数据库的现状及发展&郑晓惠 447
THEME IV:Managenment of Electronic lnformation 452
Accessing Global Digital Libraries:Information Retrieval from Multi-lingual Collections&Carole Moore 453
Embracing the Technological Future:Issues and Challenges Facing Academic Libraries&His-Ping Shao 456
Digital Library:Its Definitions And Impacts on Traditional Libraries&Wang Bing Meng Guangjun 462
Prototype of a Digital Library in Shanghai Jiao Tong University&Yang Zongying Ye Aifen Sun Hua,Zheng Qiaoying 473
The Digital Research Library a Rractical Rersrective&Barbara S.Graham 479
Virtual Library:a Pacific Rim Perspective for the 21st Century&Gerald R Lowell 484
Lssues of Libraries in the Digital Era&Hachim Haddouti 488
Constructing Academic Digital Collections :A Survey of Research about Academic Libraries&Xiao Long 495
Java and Library Mpdenization&Shen Zhenghua Sun Bianhua 506
Guarding against Some not So Virtuous Side Effects of the Virtual Library&Angela Lew 513
Digital Conversion of the American Folklife Center’s Multiformat Collections at the Library of Congress&Nora Yeh 516
Metadata and Naming Systems in the Intemet——Issues for the Future of Networked Information Retrieval&Mark H.Needleman 520
Software Construction and Information Serviees of Library’s Multifunctional Digital Reading Room&Che Chengyan 527
数字图书馆存储与访问模型的研究&郑庆华 李人厚 531
音乐数字图书馆原型研究&郑巧英 黄敏 杨宗英 536
Intranet技术与图书馆网络建议&钱秀明 543
数字化图书馆的本地硬件平台设计&李明明 549
跟踪现代信息技术——我馆的考虑&计国君 王伟 553
试论林业高校图书馆专题数据库建设&费青 558
建立以《中国分类主题词表》为核心的检索语言兼容体系&候汉清 564
21世纪的情报检索与主题标引的优化&陆宗城 孙茗 570
THEME V:Libraries and Distance Learning 575
The Library as a Partner in Creating a Dynamic Learning Community&Rebecca R.Martin 574
The Role of the Academic Library in Distance Education&Bessie King Hahn Canchuan Li 579
Distance Education and Virtual Digital Teaching Laboratory&Peiling Wang 583
Library Services for Distance Education&Donald E Riggs 587
Distance Education in Health Sciences and Library Services&Jie Li 589
Information Literacy an Absolute Necessity For Chinese Higher Education in the 21st Century&Lester J.Pourciau 594
Digital Libraries for Distance Learners:Prospects for India&Uma Kanjilal 598
Chinese Academic Libraries and the Development of Distance Education&Zhang Zhengbao 602
网络时代中的中国大学图书馆与远程教育问题&丁小文 605
THEME VI:Professional Development and Continuing Education 609
A Systematic Approach to Staff Development&Peter Durey 610
Staffing the Digital Library of the 21st Century&Colin Steele Mechthild Guha 614
Professional Development and Education of Science and Technology Librarians in the Digital Age&Mengxiong Liu 618
Training and Technology:Meeting Training Needs for Reference Work in the Age of the Digital Library&Rowena Cullen 622
International Exchange to Support Professional Development in the 21st Century&Gary E.Strong 627
The Learning Library:Training the Staff&Albert K.Boekhorst 630
Current Status of Library and Information Science Education in Japan&Yong Won Kim 635
Library Continuing Education in China in the 21st Century&Xudong Jin 640
The Continuing Education and Training for Professional Librarians in Universities in the 21st Century&Chen Chang Sheng 645
On the Further Education of 21st Century University Librarians&Zou Zhongmin 650
On the IternationalCooperations of the Academic Librarians education and Training in the 21st Century&Zhang Xiaochi 656
The Best Times for Academic Librarians in Pursuing Continuing Education&Wen Peizhi 659
On Trans-Century Talent Construction of the Libraries in Jiangsu Province&Guo Taimin 665
面向21世纪高技校图书馆员继续教育&孟扬 671
竞争机制、激励机制与图书馆员继续教育&朱贵玲 陈虹 675
迎接21世纪挑战,加强高校图书馆人员的素质教育&周玉英 680
对21世纪大学图书馆员继续教育的思考&杜维国 685
Author Index 689