景德镇传统制瓷工艺 中英文本pdf电子书版本下载
- 白明著 著
- 出版社: 南昌:江西美术出版社
- ISBN:7805808872
- 出版时间:2002
- 标注页数:275页
- 文件大小:73MB
- 文件页数:292页
- 主题词:
景德镇传统制瓷工艺 中英文本PDF格式电子书版下载
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一点说明(代前言) 1
A Brief Explanation(Preface) 5
瓷都景德镇 13
Jingdezhen,Capital of Porcelain 13
Quarrying and Processing of Porcelain Clay 27
瓷泥的开采与加工 27
Quarrying and Coarse Processing of Porcelain Clay 32
瓷泥的开采与粗加工 32
Making of Dunzi 46
制不工艺 46
制瓷作坊结构 49
The Structure of Porcelain Workshop 49
Refinement of Clay 58
泥料的精淘制备工艺 58
Shaping 73
成型技艺 73
Throwing Process of Zhatai Bowl in Ancient Kilns 76
古窑渣胎碗的拉坏工艺 76
Techniques of Impression,Trimming and Hooping of Zhatai Bowl 82
渣胎碗的印模、修坯、打箍工艺 82
Kneading and Throwing 88
揉泥、拉坯工艺 88
Kneading 90
揉泥 90
Throw the Clay into a Straight-Sided Teacup 91
拉制直形杯 91
拉制瓶型 93
Throw the Clay into a Vase Shaped Vessel 93
Throw the Clay into a Large of Opening Bowl 94
拉制开口大钵 94
拉制1米大盘 99
Throw the Clay into a One-Meter-Diameter Plate 99
超大型瓶的拉坯工艺 107
Throwing Skills of a Very Large Vase 107
整坯工艺 110
Dressing 110
割底工艺 112
Cutting-off 112
Joint Forming 114
镶器成型工艺 114
利坯工艺 128
Fine Trimming 128
中小型瓶的修坯 136
Trimming the Medium-and-Small-Size Vases 136
Trimming of a Very Large Vase 143
超大型瓶的修坯 143
Trimming of a Straight-sided Teacup 151
直形茶杯的修坯工艺 151
釉足工艺 157
Glazing the Foot 157
Skill of Water Replenishing 158
补水工艺 158
Glazing 165
施釉工艺 165
Painted Decoration 177
装饰技艺 177
青花装饰 179
The Blue-and-White Decoration 179
青花混水技艺 185
The Skills of the Blue-and-White Hunshui(decoration) 185
The Fenshui(painting)Skill in Painting a Plate with Lotus Motif 188
《荷花盘》分水工艺 188
the Blue-and-White Decoration of “the Rural Landscape” 194
青花《民间山水》装饰工艺 194
The Skills to Decorate a Straight-sided Cup 198
直形杯装饰技法 198
青花仿古部分工艺 201
The Blue-and-White Skills in the Ancient Style 201
The Underglaze Red Decoration 203
釉里红装饰 203
Skill to Apply the Underglaze Red to a Large Vase with“Reed Motif” 206
青花釉里红《芦苇纹》大瓶彩绘工艺 206
Biscuit Engraving Decoration 212
雕刻坯装饰技艺 212
Skill of Body Engraving of “the Lotus Motif” 213
《荷花纹》雕刻坯技巧 213
釉上彩装饰 216
Overglaze Decoration 216
工具 217
Tools 217
Sills in “Pine and Crane” in Famille Rose 220
粉彩《松鹤图》工艺过程 220
仿古粉彩部分工艺 230
Some of the Skills Imitating the Ancient Fen-cai 230
“Yuewe Cottage”in the Overglaze New Color Dccoration 234
新彩《阅微草堂》工艺过程 234
景德镇的窑炉与烧成 241
Kilns and Firing in Jingdezhen 241
景德镇的窑炉 242
Kilns in Jingdezhen 242
烤花工艺 254
Decoration Firing Furnace 254
运坯 257
Biscuit Carrying 257
Loading and Firing 260
装窑与烧窑 260
装窑、烧窑、开窑所需的工具 262
The Tools for Loading,Firing and Unloading 262
Attachment 270
Skills of Rice-Straws Packing 270
附 稻草包装工艺 270
主要参考书目 274
Bibliography 275