- (英)休谟著 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国政法大学出版社
- ISBN:7562024014
- 出版时间:2003
- 标注页数:348页
- 文件大小:15MB
- 文件页数:415页
- 主题词:政治思想史-英国-近代-英文
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Political Essays 1
1.Of the liberty of the press 1
2.That politics may be reduced to a science 4
3.Of the first principles of government 16
4.Of the origin of government 20
5.Of the independency of Parliament 24
6.Whether the British government inclines more to absolute monarchy,or to a republic 28
7.Of parties in general 33
8.Of the parties of Great Britain 40
9.Of superstition and enthusiasm 46
10.Of civil liberty 51
11.Of the rise and progress of the arts and sciences 58
12.Of national characters 78
13.Of commerce 93
14.Of refinement in the arts 105
15.Of money 115
16.Of interest 126
17.Of the balance of trade 136
18.Of the jealousy of trade 150
19.Of the balance of power 154
20.Of taxes 161
21.Of public credit 166
22.Of some remarkable customs 179
23.Of the original contract 186
24.Of passive obedience 202
25.Of the coalition of parties 206
26.Of the Protestant succession 213
27.Idea of a perfect commonwealth 221
Appendix:Excerpts from Hume's History of England 234
Notes 260
Index 331