
中国1982年人口普查资料 电子计算机汇总pdf电子书版本下载

中国1982年人口普查资料  电子计算机汇总
  • 国务院人口普查办公室,国家统计局人口统计司编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国统计出版社
  • ISBN:4006·072
  • 出版时间:1985
  • 标注页数:674页
  • 文件大小:15MB
  • 文件页数:691页
  • 主题词:


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序一 陈慕华 1

Preface One Chen Muhua 1

Preface Two Xu Dixin 3

序二 许涤新 3

Preface Three Li Chengrui 4

序三 李成瑞 4

Editor s Note 13

编辑例言 13

1.总人口* 16

Volume Ⅰ:Summary 16

1.Total Population* 16

中国1982年人口普查资料(电子计算机汇总) 16

第一卷 提要 16

Data on China 1982 Population Census (Computer T abula-tion) 16

2.Total Households* 17

2.总户数* 17

3.各民族人口 18

3.Population of Various Nationalities 18

4.总人口和男女比例* 22

4.Total Population and Sex Ratio* 22

5.Total Number and Total Population of Domestic Househol ds and Collective Households* 24

5.家庭户与集体户的总户数和总人口数* 24

6.Population of Cities (Excluding counties under jurisdiction of cities) and Towns * 26

6.市(不含市辖县)、镇人口* 26

7.Population Distribution by Age Groups 28

7.人口各年龄组分布状况 28

8.小学以上文化程度人口数* 30

8.Population with the Educational Level of Primary School and Above* 30

9.Illiterate and Semi-Literate Population* 32

9.文盲、半文盲的人口数* 32

10.各行业的人口数 34

10.Population by lndustry 34

11.Population by Occupation 35

11.各种职业的人口数 35

Note:"*"lndicating tables for each province, municipality and autonomous region. 35

12.不在业人口状况* 36

12.Status of Non-Working People* 36

13.15岁及15岁以上人口婚姻状况* 42

13.Marital Status of the People Aged 15 and over* 42

注:凡有*者,为分省、市、自治区的表 46

14.15—64岁按不同活产子女数分组的妇女人数* 46

14.Women Aged 15-64 by Number of Children ever Born Alive* 46

15.Women Aged 15-64 by Number of Children Surviving* 48

15.15—64岁按不同存活子女数分组的妇女人数* 48

16.Fertility Status of Women at Childbearing Age in 1981* 50

16.育龄妇女1981年生育状况* 50

Volume Ⅱ:Population Distribution by Area 54

17.Cities (Excluding counties under jurisdiction of cities) by Number of Population 54

17.市(不含市辖县)按人口数分组 54

第二卷 人口地区分布 54

18.Cities (Excluding counties under jurisdiction of cities )by Number of Population* 56

18.市(不含市辖县)按人口数分组* 56

19.市(不含市辖县)按人口数排列一览表 58

19.List of Cities (Excluding counties under jurisdiction of cities )by Number of Population 58

20.List of Cities (Excluding counties and suburban communes under cities) by Number of Population 61

20.市(不含市辖县和郊区公社)按人口数排列一览表 61

21.Population in Cities (Excluding counties under jurisdiction of cities)* 64

21.市(不含市辖县)人口数* 64

22.全国镇按人口数分组 87

22.Towns in the Whole Country by Number of Population 87

23.省、市、自治区的镇按人口数分组 88

23.Towns in Each Province, Municipality and Autonomous Region by Number of Population 88

24.Number of Households and Number of Population in Towns* 90

24.镇户数和人口数* 90

25.省、市、自治区的县按人口数分组 152

25.Counties in Each Province, Municipality and Autonomous Region by Number of Population* 152

26.Number of Households and Number of Population in Counties and Cities* 154

26.县、市的户数与人口数* 154

27.Population by Nationality* 218

第三卷 民族 218

27.各民族人口数* 218

Volume Ⅲ:Nationality 218

28.Age Distribution of Population by Minority Nationality 232

28.各少数民族人口年龄状况 232

29.Educational Level of Population by Minority Nationality 240

29.各少数民族人口的文化程度 240

30.Illiterate and Semi-Literate Population by Minority Nationality 244

30.各少数民族的文盲、半文盲人口数 244

31.lndustry Status of Population by Minority Nationality 248

31.各少数民族人口的行业状况 248

32.各少数民族人口的职业状况 256

32.Occupation Status of Population by Minority Nationality 256

33.Status of Non-Working People by Minority Nationality 266

33.各少数民族的不在业人口状况 266

第四卷 年龄 272

34.人口年龄状况 272

Volume Ⅳ:Age 272

34.Age Distribution of the Total Population Supplement:Age Pyramids of the Population in 1953, 1964 282

附:1953年、1964年、1982年人口年龄金字塔 282

35.市(不含市辖县)人口年龄状况 284

35.Age Distribution of Population in Cities(Excluding city-administered counties) 284

36.Age Distribution of Population in Towns 294

36.镇人口年龄状况 294

37.Population in Counties (Excluding towns) 304

37.县(不含镇)人口年龄状况 304

38.Population in Cities, Towns and Counties by Age Group 314

38.市、镇、县人口年龄分组 314

39.百岁以上的人口数* 316

39.Total Population Aged 100 and Above* 316

40.Status of Population at Working Age by City, Town and County* 318

40.市、镇、县劳动年龄人口状况* 318

41.1981年全国死亡人口的年龄状况 320

41.Age Distribution of the Deceased of the Nation in 1981 320

42.Age Distribution of the Deceased in All the Cities(Excluding city-administered counties ) in 198 328

42.1981年全国市(不含市辖县)死亡人口的年龄状况 328

43.1981年全国镇死亡人口的年龄状况 336

43.Age Distribution of the Deceased in Towns in 1981 336

44.Age Distribution of the Deceased in Counties (Excluding towns) on 1981 344

44.1981年全国县(不含镇)死亡人口的年龄状况 344

45.6岁及6岁以上人口的文化程度* 354

第五卷 文化程度 354

45.Educational Level of the Population Aged 6 and over* 354

Volume Ⅴ:Educational Level 354

46.按性别区分的文化程度人数* 356

46.Population by Sex and Educational Level* 356

48.Population by Age and Sex with Primary School and Higher Education 360

47.6岁及6岁以上人口按年龄分组的文化程度 360

48.按年龄和性别区分的小学以上文化程度人数 360

47.Educational Level of the Population Aged 6 and Above by Age Groups 360

49.Illiterate and Semi-Literate Population by Sex and Age Groups 362

49.按性别和年龄分组的文盲、半文盲人口数 362

50.Illiterate and Semi-Literate Population by Sex and Age Groups in Cities (Excluding city-administ 364

51.Illiterate and Semi-Literate Population by Sex and Age Groups in Counties 364

51.县按性别和年龄分组的文盲、半文盲人口数 364

50.市(不含市辖县)按性别和年龄分组的文盲、半文盲人口数 364

52.市(不含市辖县)文盲、半文盲人口数* 366

52.Illiterate and Semi-Literate population in Cities(Excluding City-administered counties)* 366

53.Illiterate and Semi-Literate Population in Counties* 368

53.县文盲、半文盲人口数* 368

Volume Ⅵ:lndustry and Occupation 373

54.lndustry Status of the Working People* 373

第六卷 行业、职业 373

54.在业人口的行业状况* 373

55.在业人口的职业状况* 384

55.Occupation Status of the Working People* 384

56.各行业分性别人口数 390

56.Number of Population by lndustry and Sex 390

57.各种职业分性别人口数 404

57.Number of Population by Occupation and Sex 404

58.Number of the Population by lndustry and Sex in Cities, Towns and Counties 424

58.市、镇、县各行业分性别人口数 424

59.市、镇、县各种职业分性别人口数 428

59.Number of the Population by Occupation and Sex in Cities, Towns and Counties 428

60.各行业人口的职业分布状况 432

60.Occupation Distribution of the Population by lndustry 432

61.Age Structure of Population by lndustry 440

61.各行业人口的年龄构成 440

62.各种职业人口的年龄构成 448

62.Age Structure of Population by Occupation 448

63.按现行行业分类分组的工业部门的在业人口 456

63.Number of Working People in the lndustrial Departments by lndustry 456

64.各行业人口的文化程度 460

64.Educational Level of Popullation by lndustry 460

65.Educational Level of Population by Occupation 464

65.各种职业人口的文化程度 464

67.市镇待业人口按年龄和性别分组的人数 468

66.15—64岁在业人口按年龄分组的人数 468

66.Number of Working People Aged 15—64 by Age Groups 468

67.Number of Population Waiting for Job by Age and Sex in cities and Towns 468

68.Educational Level of Population Waiting for Job in City and Town* 470

68.市镇待业人口的文化程度* 470

69.Size of Household* 474

Volume Ⅶ:Household, Marriage and Fertility 474

第七卷 家庭、婚姻、生育 474

69.家庭户的规模* 474

70.家庭户的类别* 476

70.Type of Household* 476

71.Marital Status of the Population by Age Groups 478

71.人口按年龄分组的婚姻状况 478

72.按年龄及活产子女数分组的15—64岁妇女人数 482

73.按年龄及存活子女数分组的15—64岁妇女人数 482

72.Number of Females Aged 15—64 by Age and Number of Children Born Alive 482

73.Number of Females Aged 15—64 by Age and Number of Children Surviving 482

74.Number of Females Aged 15—64 of Minority Nationality by Number of Children Born Alive 484

74.少数民族按活产子女数分组的15—64岁妇女人数 484

75.少数民族按存活子女数分组的15—64岁妇女人数 490

75.Number of Females Aged 15—64 of Minority Nationality by Number of Children Surviving 490

77.Status of Birth Parity of the Females at Childbearing Age in 1981 by Age Groups 498

76.Status of the Children Born Alive and Surviving by Females Aged 15—64 498

77.育龄妇女1981年按年龄分组的生育胎次状况 498

76.15—64岁妇女活产及存活子女状况 498

79.育龄妇女1981年按职业分组的生育胎次状况 500

78.育龄妇女1981年按文化程度分组的生育胎次状况 500

79.Status of Birth Parity of the Females at Childbearing Age in 1981 by Occupation 500

78.Status of Birth Parity of the Females at Childbearing Age in 1981 by Educational Level 500

Add:The structure of age、nationality and educational Level of servicemen in the Chinese People s Li 505

附:中国人民解放军现役军人年龄、民族、文化程度构成情况 505

台湾省人口数字 508

Population of Taiwan Province 508

Population of Hong Kong and Macao 522

香港、澳门地区人口数字 522

Appendix One: Communiques on the Major Figures of the First, Second and Third National Population Ce 535

1.Communiqu of the State Statistieal Bureau of the People s Republic of China on the Results of the 535

1.中华人民共和国国家统计局关于第一次全国人口调查登记(一九五三年)结果的公报 535

附录一 第一、二、三次全国人口普查主要数字公报(手工汇总结果) 535

Add:Table of Age by Sex 539

附:分性别的年龄表 539

2.Major Figures on the Second National Population census(1964) 542

2.第二次全国人口普查(一九六四年)结果的几项主要统计数字 542

Add:Table of Age by Sex 545

附:分性别的年龄表 545

3.Communique of the State Statistical Bureau of the People s Republic of China on the Major Figures 548

3.中华人民共和国国家统计局关于一九八二年人口普查主要数字的公报 548

4.Major Figures by Manual Tabulation on the Third National Population Census 556

4.第三次全国人口普查手工汇总主要数字 556

5.Administrative Division of the provinces, Municipalities and Autonomous Regions in 1982 577

5.一九八二年各省、市、自治区行政区划 577

Appendix Two: Major Documents of the Third National Population Census 581

1.Directives of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the State Council on Doing 581

1.中共中央、国务院关于认真做好第三次全国人口普查工作的指示 581

附录二 第三次全国人口普查几个主要文件 581

2.Statute of the Third National Population Census 584

2.第三次全国人口普查办法 584

3.Explanatory Notes on Filling-in of the Forms of the Third National Population Census 595

3.关于第三次全国人口普查表的填写说明 595

4.Regulations on the Sampling Quality Check of the Enumeration Work in the Third National Populatio 615

4.第三次全国人口普查登记质量抽样检查细则 615

5.Circular of the State Council s Population Census Leading Group on the Requirements for Checking 621

5.国务院人口普查领导小组颁发《第三次全国人口普查各阶段工作质量验收标准》的通知 621

List of Responsible Members of the Population Census Leading Bodies Above the Provincial Level in th 628

第三次全国人口普查省级以上普查领导机构负责人名录 628

English Explanations on the Tables of the 1982 Population Census 642

中国1982年人口普查资料各表的英文译释 642
