弥尔顿 MILTONpdf电子书版本下载
- (加拿大)丹尼尔森编 著
- 出版社:
- 出版时间:2000
- 标注页数:0页
- 文件大小:130MB
- 文件页数:320页
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1 Milton's sociallife&STEPHEN B.DOBRANSKI 1
2 Milton's Ludlow Masque&CEDRIC BROWN 25
3 Lycidas&J.MARTIN EVANS 39
4 Poems 1645:the future poet&COLIN BURROW 54
5 Milton's politics&MARTIN DZELZAINIS 70
6 Milton's prose&THOMAS N.CORNS 84
7 Milton's sonnets and his contemporaries&R.F.HALL 98
8 The genres of Paradise Lost&BARBARA KIEFER LEWALSKI 113
9 Language and knowledge in Paradise Lost&JOHN LEONARD 130
10 The Fall and Milton's theodicy&DENNIS DANIELSON 144
11 Milton's Satan&JOHN CAREY 160
12 Milton and the sexes&DIANE K.MCCOLLEY 175
13 Milton and the reforming spirit&GEORGIA CHRISTOPHER 193
14 How Milton read the Bible:the case of Paradise Regained&MARY ANN RADZINOWICZ 202
15 Reading Samson Agonistes&JOAN S.BENNETT 219
16 Milton's readers&NICHOLAS VON MALTZAHN 236
17 Milton's place in intellectual history&WILLIAM KERRIGAN 253
18 Milton's works and life:select studies and resources&R.G.SIEMENS 268
Index 291