Florentine Codex Book 7 The Sunpdf电子书版本下载
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First Chapter,which telleth of the sun 1
Second Chapter,which telleth of the moon 3
Third Chapter,which telleth of the stars 11
Fourth Chapter,which telleth of the stars 13
Fifth Chapter,which telleth of the clouds 17
Sixth Chapter.Here are mentioned the snow,the clouds,and the hail 19
The Seventh Chapter telleth of the year counter and the year sign 21
The Eighth Chapter telleth how they held in dread hunger and famine when One Rabbit ruled the year count,and what they first did when the year count of One Rabbit had not yet begun 23
Ninth Chapter,in which is described what was called"The Binding of Our Years,"or"When the Years are Bound,"[which occurred] when one by one the four year signs had reigned thirteen years and when fifty-two years had passed;and what then was done 25
Tenth Chapter,wherein is described the disposition of those who kept watch when the new fire appeared 27
Eleventh Chapter,in which is told what they did when it was seen and was evident that the new fire burst out 29
Twelfth Chapter,in which is told [the manner of conduct of] all the people when the new fire was taken.And,when this took place,everyone renewed his clothing and all the household goods 31
Appendix:Test of Sahagun's Memoriales con Escolios,Comprising a Part of Book Ⅶ 33
First Chapter,of the sun 34
Second Chapter 38
Third Chapter,of the stars called Castor and Pollux 60
Fourth Chapter 64
Fifth Chapter 72